Elli & Sabine — First, welcome aboard! Second, I am sending this directly to you because I do not know if you have been added to the Council mailing list yet.
Some background: One of our major tasks is to address “tickets”, issues raised and pull requests posted to our GitHub repositories. This means you need to have an account on GitHub, and someone needs to add your account to our repositories. The sooner the better, IMHO.
Every month one Councilor volunteers to sift through all the newly posted tickets to the two main repos (TEI & Stylesheets) and assign them to various people to be in charge of handling them. This person may also assign a priority label, thus the name of this process is called “ticket triage”. I am the ticket triage person for October and am a bit behind schedule. 🙂
Everyone — Unless someone tells me otherwise, I am planning to include Elli & Sabine in the list of people who get assigned tickets. Yes, they may not be up to speed to address any for a few months, but if there are good tickets for someone new to the process or tickets in their areas of expertise, it seems to make sense to put them in the pool.
On the same note, unless Jessica or Meaghan jumps up and says “No, please give me more tickets! I do not have enough work to try to get done in 2 months, more, more!” I do not plan to assign any new ones to either of them unless it is exactly up her alley. (Meg has 9 current open issues assigned, Jessica 14.)