We are planning to meet this coming Tue 04 Feb 14:00Z.[1]
I am betting we will use the same Google Hangouts we have been for
awhile,[2] but Martina will tell us. (Right, Martina?)
* anything required for release?
* next meeting
* ticket 403
* tickets 266 & 267
* ticket 370
[1] That's
06:00 PST
09:00 EST
14:00 GMT
15:00 CET
Am I missing anyone's time zone?
[2] https://hangouts.google.com/group/MCM1LEBUz2Kj9osA9
Stuff that's been done:
* changed model.resourceLike to model.resource, and removed <TEI>
from it
* added new model.describedResource, which contains only <TEI> and
* changed content models of <TEI> and <teiHeader> as discussed
* created new <standOff> and model.standOffPart (to SA)
* tweaked various bits of prose, e.g. the <remarks> for
<settingDesc>, to talk about new <standOff>
* updated the beginning of DS
* changed prose and an example or two in CC where it talks about
major structures for corpora to allow for nested <TEI>
* tweaked prose in FS where free-standing <fsdDecl> is mentioned
* tweaked prose in MS where <person> is discussed
* changed an example in CO to show <standOff>
* added a paragraph to DR about using <standOff> for a <castList>
* changed prose and an example or two in ND to accommodate <standOff>
* tweaked prose in PH to mention that <listTranspose> could be in
* tweaked beginning of SA, and added an entire new subsection later
on, to discuss <standOff>
- NOTE: left a stub "Placement of Stand-off Markup and Contextual
Information" section that I haven't figured out if it should be
kept or deleted, pr new subsection should be moved into it, or
* tweaked TS to remove implication that <listPerson> must be in
<particDesc> (although for typical transcriptions of speech it may
well be)
What I think should be done next is each member of Council should
pick one changed chapter and do a quick comparison of it between
branch sydb-standOff and dev, reading the changed portions to see if
they're OK.[1] In addition, a few people should read the <standOff>
tagdoc and play with the schemas.
So here is a checklist:
Please sign up for at least 1 chapter. Note that each chapter or
tagdoc name is a link to the sydb-standOff version thereof. It would
be good if all the reviews could be done by early Fri morning 24 Jan
my time (EST).
[1] For me the easiest way to do this is to put the dev and
sydb-standOff versions of the HTML in two tabs in one window and
pop back and forth between them. But to each his or her own.
(But do note that there have been whitespace changes to some of
the source files, so GitHub's compare functionality may not be