As y'all know the TEIP5-Test-dev project on Jenkins is broken. I just
spent some time looking into this, and have some information, but no
answers yet.
* The problem is in the "detest" target of P5/Test/Makefile.
* The problem seems to be from `$(ANT) -f antruntest.xml
-Doutputname=detest -DoddFile=detest.odd validateodd`, which is
generating unexpected output.
* I added a -d switch to the ANT calls, and deleted the `rm`
commands from the detest and clean targets in Test/Makefile and
ran the build locally. The output put into detest1.log (which is
both STDOUT and STDERR from the above ANT command, and which,
after filtering with `grep` and `sed`, is expected to be a bunch
of Schematron error messages like 'Error: both the versionDate and
xml:lang attributes on "gloss" are required when it is a child of
"elementSpec".') is:
| [xslt] Using class
| [xslt] In file /home/syd/Documents/TEI-dev/P5/Test/detest.odd time: 1457836257000
| [xslt] Out file /dev/null time: 1467305096000
| [xslt] Style file ../p5odds.message.isosch.xsl time: 1467333273000
| [xslt] to /dev/null
| [xslt]
And there is one very interesting line that gets filtered out:
| java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: _isNotSecureProcessing
This output is from the validateodd ANT target.
Anyone have any useful insight?