I think I agree with Martin, although it does mean that an awful lot of tickets will get conversion:odd. And this one gets conversion:schematron, too. The fact that the conversion method is extraction instead of some other kind of transformation seems to me to be irrelevant. (The fact that it has to do with extract_isosch rather than odd2relax is relevant, but we can only have so many labels!) I have applied the label fixUntested to this ticket, fully cognizant of the detail that there may have been no particular fix applied. But the point is the questions the issue raises are untested — we don’t know for sure that these problems are (still) problems. I wonder if we need another label for this “we need to see if there is really (still) a problem here”? ________________________________ Not speaking for Syd, but my own thought is that anything involving ODD processing at all would get conversion: odd, so issue 29 would get that, but since it's also specifically about Schematron, it would get conversion: schematron too.
Hi all-- I don't think we need or want to/from for tomorrow's labeling purposes. I was just suggesting we apply a "to TEI" or "from TEI" label later while working on tickets, but we should let that go for right now. I'm sure it will come up again later someday when we're working on these and we may find adding the two additional labels more useful at that moment than just now when we're just trying to organize all the Stylesheets tickets quickly.
I have a more immediate question about the conversion:ODD label. I'm looking ahead to see how I'd categorize some of these, and looking at https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com... raises a question for me: I think this ticket is not "conversion: schematron" is it? The ticket is about a schematron extraction from ODDs. Would this just be "conversion:odd" then, or are we missing a label for ODD processing (or ODDS processing)?
Sorry--probably a rookie question.