processing at all would get conversion: odd, so issue 29 would get that,
but since it's also specifically about Schematron, it would get
conversion: schematron too.
> Hi all-- I don't think we need or want to/from for tomorrow's labeling
> purposes. I was just suggesting we apply a "to TEI" or "from TEI" label
> later while working on tickets, but we should let that go for right now.
> I'm sure it will come up again later someday when we're working on these
> and we may find adding the two additional labels more useful at that
> moment than just now when we're just trying to organize all the
> Stylesheets tickets quickly.
> I have a more immediate question about the conversion:ODD label. I'm
> looking ahead to see how I'd categorize some of these, and looking at
> raises
a question for me:
> I think this ticket is not "conversion: schematron" is it? The ticket is
> about a schematron extraction from ODDs. Would this just be
> "conversion:odd" then, or are we missing a label for ODD processing (or
> ODDS processing)?
> Sorry--probably a rookie question.