Re: [Tei-council] Your message to Tei-council awaits moderator approval

Dear all, it seems that the list of non-members allowed to post to the tei-council list got lost as well. This came up because Jenkins wasn't a list member anymore and I have received the request to approve the emails. Kevin already fixed that ... In order to restore the latest state, could everyone please think of sender email addresses that we want to allow to send to tei-council list? (See email from Kevin below): a) Alternative email addresses that a Council member occasionally uses (perhaps a Gmail address or an alternative form of their institutional email address). b) Non-members whom you allow to contact the Council directly (someone like Martin Holmes?). Thanks, Martina -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Kevin Hawkins <> Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juli 2018 18:00 An: Scholger, Martina ( <> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Your message to Tei-council awaits moderator approval If you'd like, you could ask if anyone is aware of any sender email addresses (besides that we want to allow to send to tei-council that aren't members of the list. This would include: a) Alternative email addresses that a Council member occasionally uses (perhaps a Gmail address or an alternative form of their institutional email address). b) Non-members whom you allow to contact the Council directly (someone like Martin Holmes?). Any list administrator can then add these addresses to the list configuration. K. On 7/16/18 10:55 AM, Scholger, Martina ( wrote:
Thanks! Do you need help with this from Council members?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Kevin Hawkins <> Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juli 2018 17:09 An: Scholger, Martina ( <> Betreff: Re: AW: Your message to Tei-council awaits moderator approval
Yes, I approved it about 15 minutes ago, so you should have received it by now. It seems that we lost the list of non-members allowed to post to the list, so we're having to reconstruct that. :(
On 7/16/18 10:03 AM, Scholger, Martina ( wrote:
Hi Kevin,
I got this email - TEI council awaits moderator approval. I think that's because Jenkins isn't a member of the list? Could you fix that? Thanks for all your work on this!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Tei-council <> Im Auftrag von Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juli 2018 15:59 An: Betreff: Your message to Tei-council awaits moderator approval
Your mail to 'Tei-council' with the subject
Build failed in Jenkins: TEIP5-dev #3074
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Post by non-member to a members-only list
Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel this posting, please visit the following URL: 7 704efcbf8bfe18ae3236f64ac9a
participants (1)
Scholger, Martina (