Build failed in Jenkins: Stylesheets-dev #2056 [philomousos] Fixed lingering Pure ODD bug with val lists. ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 4.98 KB...] java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.xml ../profiles/ota/html/to.xsl cssFile=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - | perl > test-ota.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test-ota.html expected-results/test-ota.html; fi ../bin/teitohtml5 test.xml test.html5 WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.xml to (tei to html5) using profile default [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language en) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test.html5 | perl > test.temp mv test.temp test.html5 if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.html5 expected-results/test.html5; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test20.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test20.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test20.html expected-results/test20.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -versionmsg:off test3.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test3.html java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -versionmsg:off test4.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test4.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test4.html test3.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test5.xml ../html/html.xsl autoBlockQuote=true useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test5.xhtml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test5.xhtml expected-results/test5.xhtml; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c xhtml.rnc test5.xhtml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test6.xml ../html/html.xsl autoBlockQuote=true useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test6.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test6.html expected-results/test6.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c xhtml.rnc test6.html java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test14.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test14.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test14.html expected-results/test14.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test22.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test22.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test22.html expected-results/test22.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test23.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test23.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test23.html expected-results/test23.html; fi (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes1.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=4 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/two.html > x ; mv x files/two.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes; fi rm -rf files (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes2.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=0 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes2; fi rm -rf files (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes2.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=4 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/two.html > x ; mv x files/two.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes3; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test24.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test24.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test24.html expected-results/test24.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test25.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test25.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test25.html expected-results/test25.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test27.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true cssFile=../tei.css cssSecondaryFile=../css/msdescription.css | xmllint --format - > test27.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test27.html expected-results/test27.html; fi rm -rf files java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test28.xml ../html/html.xsl splitLevel=0 STDOUT=false useFixedDate=true xmllint --format index.html > x ; mv x index.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff index.html expected-results/test28.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test31.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile="" cssInlineFiles=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test31.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test31.html expected-results/test31.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test32.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile="" cssInlineFiles=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test32.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test32.html expected-results/test32.html; fi BUILD: testing p4top5 java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -o:test17.tei test17.xml ../profiles/default/p4/from.xsl if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test17.tei expected-results/test17.tei; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar A54031.tcp ../tcp/tcp2tei.xsl | xmllint --format - > A54031.xml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff A54031.xml expected-results/A54031.xml; fi BUILD: testing oddity ../bin/teitohtml5 --summaryDoc --odd test.odd test.odd.html WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.odd to (tei to html5) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing and conversion to TEI Lite (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language en) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 20 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test.odd.html | perl> test.temp ; mv test.temp test.odd.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.odd.html expected-results/test.odd.html; fi ../bin/teitoodd test.odd test.processedodd WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.odd to (tei to odd) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 10 seconds java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.processedodd ../odds/extract-isosch.xsl > test.isosch perl -i -p -e 's/generated .* by /generated by /' test.isosch if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.isosch expected-results/test.isosch; fi ../bin/teitornc test21.odd test21.odd.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test21.odd to (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 17 seconds perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source.*//' test21.odd.rnc perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/# ?Schema[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#\n//smg' test21.odd.rnc if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test21.odd.rnc expected-results/test21.odd.rnc; fi ../bin/teitornc test15.odd test15.odd.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test15.odd to (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 17 seconds perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source.*//' test15.odd.rnc perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/# ?Schema[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#\n//smg' test15.odd.rnc if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test15.odd.rnc expected-results/test15.odd.rnc; fi ../bin/teitohtml5 --summaryDoc --lang=es --profile=tei --odd test15.odd test15.odd.html WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test15.odd to (tei to html5) using profile tei [echo] Do ODD expand processing and conversion to TEI Lite (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language es) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 20 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test15.odd.html | perl> test.temp ; mv test.temp test15.odd.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test15.odd.html expected-results/test15.odd.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -it:main -xsl:../tools/oddbyexample.xsl corpus=`pwd`/bare | sed 's/<p>Derived from.*/
/' > oddbyexample.odd if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff oddbyexample.odd expected-results/oddbyexample.odd; fi ../bin/teitoxsd oddbyexample.odd oddbyexample.xsd WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert oddbyexample.odd to (tei to xsd) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 13 seconds ../bin/teitornc oddbyexample.odd oddbyexample.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert oddbyexample.odd to (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 13 seconds ../bin/teitodtd oddbyexample.odd oddbyexample.dtd WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert oddbyexample.odd to (tei to dtd) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 12 seconds java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c oddbyexample.rnc bare/test2.xml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar oddbyexample.xsd bare/test2.xml xmllint --noout --dtdvalid oddbyexample.dtd bare/test2.xml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c oddbyexample.rnc bare/test.xml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar oddbyexample.xsd bare/test.xml xmllint --noout --dtdvalid oddbyexample.dtd bare/test.xml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -s:testdrama.odd -xsl:../odds/odd2odd.xsl -o:testdrama.compiled.xml perl -p -i -e 's+ xml:base=".*testdrama.odd"++' testdrama.compiled.xml perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/<\?TEIVERSION[^?]+\?>//smg' testdrama.compiled.xml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff testdrama.compiled.xml expected-results/testdrama.compiled.xml; fi ../bin/teitornc test30.odd test30.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test30.odd to (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 17 seconds ../bin/teitodtd test30.odd test30.dtd WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test30.odd to (tei to dtd) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 14 seconds perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source .*//' test30.rnc perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/# ?Schema[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#\n//smg' test30.rnc perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source .*//' test30.dtd perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/<!--\nDTD[^>]*-->\n//smg' test30.dtd java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c test30.rnc test36.xml xmllint --noout --dtdvalid test30.dtd test36.xml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test30.rnc expected-results/test30.rnc; fi if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test30.dtd expected-results/test30.dtd; fi 341c341 < evidence NMTOKENS #IMPLIED'> ---evidence CDATA #IMPLIED'> 367c367 < script NMTOKENS #IMPLIED'>
script CDATA #IMPLIED'> 373c373 < medium NMTOKENS #IMPLIED'>
medium CDATA #IMPLIED'> 417c417 < role NMTOKENS #IMPLIED'>
role CDATA #IMPLIED'> 429c429 < place NMTOKENS #IMPLIED'>
place CDATA #IMPLIED'> 2407c2407 < role NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
role CDATA #IMPLIED 2858c2858 < type NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
type CDATA #IMPLIED > make[1]: *** [test-oddity] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `' make: *** [test] Error 2 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Archiving artifacts
participants (1)
Victoria TEI Jenkins