Build failed in Jenkins: TEIP5-Test-dev #3598

See <> Changes: [ebbondar] spec for new element unit and Guidelines explanation for #1461 [ebbondar] removing irrelevant, commented out attList from spec file [ebbondar] adding German desc to spec and English example to Guidelines [ebbondar] repaired xml:id for French Example, and added xml:id for English example [ebbondar] adding explanation for second example, xml:lang repaired ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 27.18 KB...] test -f ns1.xsd && mv ns1.xsd testbasic_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testbasic_xml.xsd+" testbasic_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/ns1.xsd/testbasic_ns1.xsd/" testbasic.xsd Validate XSD using Jing ... java -jar ../Utilities/lib/jing.jar testbasic.xsd testbasic.xml ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -lib ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar:../Utilities/lib/jing.jar -Dtrang=../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -DdefaultSource=`pwd`/../p5subset.xml -DXSL=<> -f antruntest.xml -Doutputname=testall -Dtestfile=testall.xml -DoddFile=testall.odd validateodd compileodd rng validaterng isoschematron validateschematron cleanup Buildfile: <> validateodd: [echo] Validate testall.odd as ODD [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> compileodd: [echo] Do ODD processing using ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar and source <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored rng: [echo] XSLT generate RELAXNG testall.rng using <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/profiles/default/relaxng/to.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored validaterng: [echo] Validate testall.xml against RELAXNG testall.rng [echo] DEBUG: ... checkid= true (false) isoschematron: [echo] XSLT generate ISO schematron testall.isosch from compiled ODD [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/extract-isosch.xsl [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> validateschematron: [echo] Validate using Schematron [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> [xslt] [xslt] The element dimensions may appear once only [xslt] (count(tei:width)> 1) cleanup: [delete] Deleting: <> BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 19 seconds java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -o disable-abstract-elements testall.rng testall.xsd test -f xml.xsd && cp xml.xsd testall_xml.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testall_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testall_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testall_teix.xsd+" testall.xsd test -f teix.xsd && mv teix.xsd testall_teix.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testall_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testall_ns1.xsd+" testall_teix.xsd test -f dcr.xsd && mv dcr.xsd testall_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testall_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testall_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testall_teix.xsd+" testall_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/dcr.xsd/testall_dcr.xsd/" testall.xsd test -f spec.xsd && mv spec.xsd testall_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testall_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testall_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testall_teix.xsd+" testall_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/spec.xsd/testall_spec.xsd/" testall.xsd make[1]: [testall.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f ns1.xsd && mv ns1.xsd testall_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testall_xml.xsd+" testall_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/ns1.xsd/testall_ns1.xsd/" testall.xsd make[1]: [testall.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) Validate XSD using Jing ... java -jar ../Utilities/lib/jing.jar testall.xsd testall.xml /usr/local/bin/rnv BUILD: Test schema from (special) testplus.odd xmllint --xinclude testplus.odd > xi_testplus.odd ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -lib ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar:../Utilities/lib/jing.jar -Dtrang=../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -DdefaultSource=`pwd`/../p5subset.xml -DXSL=<> -f antruntest.xml -Dtestfile=testplus.xml -DoddFile=xi_testplus.odd -Doutputname=testplus validateodd compileodd rng validaterng cleanup Buildfile: <> validateodd: [echo] Validate xi_testplus.odd as ODD [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> [xslt] The use of the <content> element [xslt] without any child elements is deprecated, and will be considered [xslt] invalid after 2019-08-25. Use a child <empty> element to [xslt] indicate that the element being specified is not allowed to have [xslt] content. (*) compileodd: [echo] Do ODD processing using ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar and source <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored rng: [echo] XSLT generate RELAXNG testplus.rng using <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/profiles/default/relaxng/to.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored validaterng: [echo] Validate testplus.xml against RELAXNG testplus.rng [echo] DEBUG: ... checkid= true (false) cleanup: [delete] Deleting: <> BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 18 seconds java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar testplus.rng testplus.rnc xmllint --noent --dropdtd testplus.xml | rnv testplus.rnc rm xi_testplus.odd ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -lib ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar:../Utilities/lib/jing.jar -Dtrang=../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -DdefaultSource=`pwd`/../p5subset.xml -DXSL=<> -f antruntest.xml -Doutputname=testjustfs -Dtestfile=testjustfs.xml -DoddFile=testjustfs.odd validateodd compileodd rng validaterng isoschematron validateschematron cleanup Buildfile: <> validateodd: [echo] Validate testjustfs.odd as ODD [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> compileodd: [echo] Do ODD processing using ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar and source <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored rng: [echo] XSLT generate RELAXNG testjustfs.rng using <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/profiles/default/relaxng/to.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored validaterng: [echo] Validate testjustfs.xml against RELAXNG testjustfs.rng [echo] DEBUG: ... checkid= true (false) isoschematron: [echo] XSLT generate ISO schematron testjustfs.isosch from compiled ODD [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/extract-isosch.xsl [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> validateschematron: [echo] Validate using Schematron [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> cleanup: [delete] Deleting: <> BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 9 seconds java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -o disable-abstract-elements testjustfs.rng testjustfs.xsd test -f xml.xsd && cp xml.xsd testjustfs_xml.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testjustfs_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testjustfs_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testjustfs_teix.xsd+" testjustfs.xsd test -f teix.xsd && mv teix.xsd testjustfs_teix.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testjustfs_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testjustfs_ns1.xsd+" testjustfs_teix.xsd make[1]: [testjustfs.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f dcr.xsd && mv dcr.xsd testjustfs_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testjustfs_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testjustfs_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testjustfs_teix.xsd+" testjustfs_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/dcr.xsd/testjustfs_dcr.xsd/" testjustfs.xsd test -f spec.xsd && mv spec.xsd testjustfs_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testjustfs_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testjustfs_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testjustfs_teix.xsd+" testjustfs_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/spec.xsd/testjustfs_spec.xsd/" testjustfs.xsd make[1]: [testjustfs.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f ns1.xsd && mv ns1.xsd testjustfs_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testjustfs_xml.xsd+" testjustfs_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/ns1.xsd/testjustfs_ns1.xsd/" testjustfs.xsd make[1]: [testjustfs.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) Validate XSD using Jing ... java -jar ../Utilities/lib/jing.jar testjustfs.xsd testjustfs.xml ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -lib ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar:../Utilities/lib/jing.jar -Dtrang=../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -DdefaultSource=`pwd`/../p5subset.xml -DXSL=<> -f antruntest.xml -Doutputname=testp4compat -Dtestfile=testp4compat.xml -DoddFile=testp4compat.odd validateodd compileodd rng validaterng isoschematron validateschematron cleanup Buildfile: <> validateodd: [echo] Validate testp4compat.odd as ODD [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> compileodd: [echo] Do ODD processing using ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar and source <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored rng: [echo] XSLT generate RELAXNG testp4compat.rng using <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/profiles/default/relaxng/to.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored validaterng: [echo] Validate testp4compat.xml against RELAXNG testp4compat.rng [echo] DEBUG: ... checkid= true (false) isoschematron: [echo] XSLT generate ISO schematron testp4compat.isosch from compiled ODD [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/extract-isosch.xsl [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> validateschematron: [echo] Validate using Schematron [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> cleanup: [delete] Deleting: <> BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 12 seconds java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -o disable-abstract-elements testp4compat.rng testp4compat.xsd test -f xml.xsd && cp xml.xsd testp4compat_xml.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testp4compat_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testp4compat_teix.xsd+" testp4compat.xsd test -f teix.xsd && mv teix.xsd testp4compat_teix.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testp4compat_ns1.xsd+" testp4compat_teix.xsd make[1]: [testp4compat.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f dcr.xsd && mv dcr.xsd testp4compat_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testp4compat_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testp4compat_teix.xsd+" testp4compat_dcr.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/dcr.xsd/testp4compat_dcr.xsd/" testp4compat.xsd make[1]: [testp4compat.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f spec.xsd && mv spec.xsd testp4compat_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testp4compat_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testp4compat_teix.xsd+" testp4compat_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/spec.xsd/testp4compat_spec.xsd/" testp4compat.xsd make[1]: [testp4compat.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) test -f ns1.xsd && mv ns1.xsd testp4compat_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+" testp4compat_ns1.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/ns1.xsd/testp4compat_ns1.xsd/" testp4compat.xsd make[1]: [testp4compat.xsd] Error 1 (ignored) Validate XSD using Jing ... java -jar ../Utilities/lib/jing.jar testp4compat.xsd testp4compat.xml BUILD: Test schema from (special) testplace-kml.odd xmllint --xinclude testplace-kml.odd > xi_testplace-kml.odd ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -lib ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar:../Utilities/lib/jing.jar -Dtrang=../Utilities/lib/trang.jar -DdefaultSource=`pwd`/../p5subset.xml -DXSL=<> -f antruntest.xml -Dtestfile=testplace-kml.xml -DoddFile=xi_testplace-kml.odd -Doutputname=testplace-kml validateodd compileodd rng validaterng cleanup Buildfile: <> validateodd: [echo] Validate xi_testplace-kml.odd as ODD [xslt] Processing <> to /dev/null [xslt] Loading stylesheet <> compileodd: [echo] Do ODD processing using ../Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar and source <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/odds/odd2odd.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored rng: [echo] XSLT generate RELAXNG testplace-kml.rng using <> [xslt] Processing <> to <> [xslt] Loading stylesheet /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Stylesheets-dev/lastSuccessful/archive/dist/xml/tei/stylesheet/profiles/default/relaxng/to.xsl Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored validaterng: [echo] Validate testplace-kml.xml against RELAXNG testplace-kml.rng [echo] DEBUG: ... checkid= true (false) cleanup: [delete] Deleting: <> BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 11 seconds java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar testplace-kml.rng testplace-kml.rnc xmllint --noent --dropdtd testplace-kml.xml | rnv testplace-kml.rnc rm xi_testplace-kml.odd echo check that TEI web site is up and responding check that TEI web site is up and responding TEISITE=`curl -s --head` BUILD: Testing files which demonstrate user extensions xmllint --noout --valid extns.xml ../DTD/core.dtd:1025: validity error : PEReference: %att.lexicographic.attributes; not found %att.lexicographic.attributes; ^ make[1]: *** [test-extns] Error 4 make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> make: *** [test] Error 2 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Not sending mail to unregistered user

See <> Changes: [ebbondar] repairs to unit element spec and additional prose description for ------------------------------------------ Started by an SCM change Building in workspace <> > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* Seen branch in repository origin/LanguagesCharacterSets-revision Seen branch in repository origin/P5 Seen branch in repository origin/P5-Council Seen branch in repository origin/P5-dev-LingSIG Seen branch in repository origin/P5-selections Seen branch in repository origin/ Seen branch in repository origin/bansp-patch-1 Seen branch in repository origin/dataParam Seen branch in repository origin/dev Seen branch in repository origin/ebb Seen branch in repository origin/gh-pages Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-appcrit Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-newJenkins Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_anyElement Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_behaviourSpec Seen branch in repository origin/help Seen branch in repository origin/jamescummings-object Seen branch in repository origin/lb42-procmod Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_issue_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453_OLD Seen branch in repository origin/msFrag Seen branch in repository origin/peterstadler-antify Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.0.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.1.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.2.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.3.0 Seen branch in repository origin/sf/tei Seen branch in repository origin/sf/trunk Seen branch in repository origin/sf/vendor Seen branch in repository origin/stadlerpeter-feature1726 Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-datAttSem Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-modelAttrChecks Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-noSchematron1.x Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-nuke_macro.schemaPattern Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-xenodata Seen branch in repository origin/tei-simple Seen 38 remote branches > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision af5d84d4257e748f0fdee2fa017e4832e83c429b (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f af5d84d4257e748f0fdee2fa017e4832e83c429b Commit message: "repairs to unit element spec and additional prose description for Guidelines" > git rev-list --no-walk c7abe84ac14ea2e82c8c94c0fe3b280899ac7fb1 # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + cd P5 ++ pwd + make VCS=git INJENKINS=true XSL=<> clean validate test (cd Exemplars; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak rm -f *.processed *.xsd *.dtd *.doc.* *.rnc tei*.xsl tei*.rng *.compiled* *~ *.xi *.isosch *.epub *.pdf *.html *.nvdl *-teix* mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak tei_lite_fr.nvdl rm -f exnames.xml rm -f enrich.rng isofs.rng rm -f names.xml *properties rm -f [A-Z]*xml make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> (cd Test; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> rm -f test*.doc.xml test*.rnc test*.dtd test*.compiled.* test*.xsd test*.rnc test*.rng test*.xsl test*.isosch rm -rf LOG *~ *.xsd Schema RomaResults DTD rm -rf *.doc.* rm -f detest.log detest.log.all rm -f *-examples.rng *-examples.rnc *test*.nvdl *-ex.odd rm -f detest.rnc detest.rng detest.dtd detest.isosch make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> rm -rf release Guidelines Guidelines-web Schema DTD dtd Split rm -rf Guidelines.??? Guidelines-* rm -f *.isosch.xsl rm -f *.stamp rm -f *.xsd rm -f Exemplars/stdout rm -f Test/*.isosch rm -f Test/detest.dtd Test/detest.rnc Test/detest.rng Test/detest.xsl rm -f Test/stdout rm -f Utilities/guidelines.xsl rm -f anything buildweb.xml rm -f p5.sch p5.isosch p5.xml p5subset.xml p5subset.json p5subset.js rm -f p5attlist.txt rm -f p5odds-examples.rng p5odds-examples.rnc p5odds.rng p5odds.rnc p5odds.isosch rm -f pdfbuild.log rm -f stripspace.xsl.model rm -f tei-*.zip rm -f tei-p5-*_*build rm -f tei-p5-*_*changes rm -f tei-p5-*_*deb rm -f rm -rf FASC-* rm -rf catalogue.* modList rm -rf valid v.xml ValidatorLog.xml Utilities/pointerattributes.xsl missfont.log v.body v.header Schematron1.xml Schematron2.xml Checking you have running XML tools and Perl before trying to run transform... Ant:/usr/bin/ant Perl:/usr/bin/perl Java:/usr/bin/java xmllint:/usr/bin/xmllint touch check.stamp get latest date: VCS is git if [ "git" = "svn" ] ; \ then \ if [ true = "true" ] ; \ then svn info --xml svn:// ; \ else svn info --xml ; \ fi > repodate.xml ; \ fi if [ git = "git" ] ; \ then \ git log --max-count=1 --pretty=format:"<info type=\"git\"><entry><commit revision=\"%h\"><date>%ai</date></commit></entry></info>" > repodate.xml ; \ fi BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> -DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml base subset outputs [echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas, schematron files [echo] Using <> for XSL stylesheets [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 51 seconds BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang (cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i `basename $i .rng`.rnc;done) touch schemas.stamp BUILD: Check validity with rnv ( if we have it command -v rnv && rnv -v p5odds.rnc p5.xml /usr/local/bin/rnv rnv version 1.7.10 p5.xml BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad links etc ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> validators [echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines) [echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid) [echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 28 seconds <Messages> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[3]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[4]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[5]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[6]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[7]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[8]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[9]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[10]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[11]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[12]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[13]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[14]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[15]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[16]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[17]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[18]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[19]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[20]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[21]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[22]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[23]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[24]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[25]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[26]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][2]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[1]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[6]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[4]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> </Messages> (grep -q "<ERROR>" ValidatorLog.xml;if [ $? -ne 1 ] ; then echo "Oh dear me. ERROR found";diff ValidatorLog.xml expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml;false; fi) sh BUILD: Check validity with nvdl, first examples with feasible validity, and then the valid ones ./run-onvdl p5.nvdl p5.xml /usr/bin/onvdl <>:27966:37: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:27971:37: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28391:70: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28397:39: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28403:43: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28409:39: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:27966:37: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:27971:37: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28391:70: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28397:39: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28403:43: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored <>:28409:39: error: attribute "unit" not allowed at this point; ignored Error: nvdl run found problems make: *** [valid] Error 1 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Not sending mail to unregistered user

See <> Changes: [ebbondar] revising att.measurement on unit element spec for #1461 ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 701 B...] Seen branch in repository origin/bansp-patch-1 Seen branch in repository origin/dataParam Seen branch in repository origin/dev Seen branch in repository origin/ebb Seen branch in repository origin/gh-pages Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-appcrit Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-newJenkins Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_anyElement Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_behaviourSpec Seen branch in repository origin/help Seen branch in repository origin/jamescummings-object Seen branch in repository origin/lb42-procmod Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_issue_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453_OLD Seen branch in repository origin/msFrag Seen branch in repository origin/peterstadler-antify Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.0.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.1.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.2.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.3.0 Seen branch in repository origin/sf/tei Seen branch in repository origin/sf/trunk Seen branch in repository origin/sf/vendor Seen branch in repository origin/stadlerpeter-feature1726 Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-datAttSem Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-modelAttrChecks Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-noSchematron1.x Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-nuke_macro.schemaPattern Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-xenodata Seen branch in repository origin/tei-simple Seen 38 remote branches > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 9e9f7e0df3af87c6e540a773f730ac58d712c581 (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 9e9f7e0df3af87c6e540a773f730ac58d712c581 Commit message: "revising att.measurement on unit element spec for #1461" > git rev-list --no-walk af5d84d4257e748f0fdee2fa017e4832e83c429b # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + cd P5 ++ pwd + make VCS=git INJENKINS=true XSL=<> clean validate test (cd Exemplars; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak rm -f *.processed *.xsd *.dtd *.doc.* *.rnc tei*.xsl tei*.rng *.compiled* *~ *.xi *.isosch *.epub *.pdf *.html *.nvdl *-teix* mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak tei_lite_fr.nvdl rm -f exnames.xml rm -f enrich.rng isofs.rng rm -f names.xml *properties rm -f [A-Z]*xml make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> (cd Test; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> rm -f test*.doc.xml test*.rnc test*.dtd test*.compiled.* test*.xsd test*.rnc test*.rng test*.xsl test*.isosch rm -rf LOG *~ *.xsd Schema RomaResults DTD rm -rf *.doc.* rm -f detest.log detest.log.all rm -f *-examples.rng *-examples.rnc *test*.nvdl *-ex.odd rm -f detest.rnc detest.rng detest.dtd detest.isosch make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> rm -rf release Guidelines Guidelines-web Schema DTD dtd Split rm -rf Guidelines.??? Guidelines-* rm -f *.isosch.xsl rm -f *.stamp rm -f *.xsd rm -f Exemplars/stdout rm -f Test/*.isosch rm -f Test/detest.dtd Test/detest.rnc Test/detest.rng Test/detest.xsl rm -f Test/stdout rm -f Utilities/guidelines.xsl rm -f anything buildweb.xml rm -f p5.sch p5.isosch p5.xml p5subset.xml p5subset.json p5subset.js rm -f p5attlist.txt rm -f p5odds-examples.rng p5odds-examples.rnc p5odds.rng p5odds.rnc p5odds.isosch rm -f pdfbuild.log rm -f stripspace.xsl.model rm -f tei-*.zip rm -f tei-p5-*_*build rm -f tei-p5-*_*changes rm -f tei-p5-*_*deb rm -f rm -rf FASC-* rm -rf catalogue.* modList rm -rf valid v.xml ValidatorLog.xml Utilities/pointerattributes.xsl missfont.log v.body v.header Schematron1.xml Schematron2.xml Checking you have running XML tools and Perl before trying to run transform... Ant:/usr/bin/ant Perl:/usr/bin/perl Java:/usr/bin/java xmllint:/usr/bin/xmllint touch check.stamp get latest date: VCS is git if [ "git" = "svn" ] ; \ then \ if [ true = "true" ] ; \ then svn info --xml svn:// ; \ else svn info --xml ; \ fi > repodate.xml ; \ fi if [ git = "git" ] ; \ then \ git log --max-count=1 --pretty=format:"<info type=\"git\"><entry><commit revision=\"%h\"><date>%ai</date></commit></entry></info>" > repodate.xml ; \ fi BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> -DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml base subset outputs [echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas, schematron files [echo] Using <> for XSL stylesheets [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 52 seconds BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang (cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i `basename $i .rng`.rnc;done) touch schemas.stamp BUILD: Check validity with rnv ( if we have it command -v rnv && rnv -v p5odds.rnc p5.xml /usr/local/bin/rnv rnv version 1.7.10 p5.xml BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad links etc ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> validators [echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines) [echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid) [echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 27 seconds <Messages> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[3]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[4]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[5]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[6]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[7]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[8]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[9]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[10]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[11]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[12]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[13]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[14]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[15]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[16]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[17]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[18]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[19]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[20]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[21]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[22]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[23]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[24]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[25]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[26]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][2]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[1]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[6]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[4]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> </Messages> (grep -q "<ERROR>" ValidatorLog.xml;if [ $? -ne 1 ] ; then echo "Oh dear me. ERROR found";diff ValidatorLog.xml expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml;false; fi) sh BUILD: Check validity with nvdl, first examples with feasible validity, and then the valid ones ./run-onvdl p5.nvdl p5.xml /usr/bin/onvdl ./run-onvdl p5valid.nvdl v.xml /usr/bin/onvdl <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element Error: nvdl run found problems make: *** [valid] Error 1 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Not sending mail to unregistered user

See <> Changes: [ebbondar] editing element spec for unit content model for #1461 [ebbondar] editing content model of unit for #1461 ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 701 B...] Seen branch in repository origin/bansp-patch-1 Seen branch in repository origin/dataParam Seen branch in repository origin/dev Seen branch in repository origin/ebb Seen branch in repository origin/gh-pages Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-appcrit Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-newJenkins Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_anyElement Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_behaviourSpec Seen branch in repository origin/help Seen branch in repository origin/jamescummings-object Seen branch in repository origin/lb42-procmod Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_issue_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453_OLD Seen branch in repository origin/msFrag Seen branch in repository origin/peterstadler-antify Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.0.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.1.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.2.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.3.0 Seen branch in repository origin/sf/tei Seen branch in repository origin/sf/trunk Seen branch in repository origin/sf/vendor Seen branch in repository origin/stadlerpeter-feature1726 Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-datAttSem Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-modelAttrChecks Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-noSchematron1.x Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-nuke_macro.schemaPattern Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-xenodata Seen branch in repository origin/tei-simple Seen 38 remote branches > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 74e90e7a7959dd2e1c97113e0ff71fca6356256d (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 74e90e7a7959dd2e1c97113e0ff71fca6356256d Commit message: "editing content model of unit for #1461" > git rev-list --no-walk 9e9f7e0df3af87c6e540a773f730ac58d712c581 # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + cd P5 ++ pwd + make VCS=git INJENKINS=true XSL=<> clean validate test (cd Exemplars; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak rm -f *.processed *.xsd *.dtd *.doc.* *.rnc tei*.xsl tei*.rng *.compiled* *~ *.xi *.isosch *.epub *.pdf *.html *.nvdl *-teix* mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak tei_lite_fr.nvdl rm -f exnames.xml rm -f enrich.rng isofs.rng rm -f names.xml *properties rm -f [A-Z]*xml make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> (cd Test; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> rm -f test*.doc.xml test*.rnc test*.dtd test*.compiled.* test*.xsd test*.rnc test*.rng test*.xsl test*.isosch rm -rf LOG *~ *.xsd Schema RomaResults DTD rm -rf *.doc.* rm -f detest.log detest.log.all rm -f *-examples.rng *-examples.rnc *test*.nvdl *-ex.odd rm -f detest.rnc detest.rng detest.dtd detest.isosch make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> rm -rf release Guidelines Guidelines-web Schema DTD dtd Split rm -rf Guidelines.??? Guidelines-* rm -f *.isosch.xsl rm -f *.stamp rm -f *.xsd rm -f Exemplars/stdout rm -f Test/*.isosch rm -f Test/detest.dtd Test/detest.rnc Test/detest.rng Test/detest.xsl rm -f Test/stdout rm -f Utilities/guidelines.xsl rm -f anything buildweb.xml rm -f p5.sch p5.isosch p5.xml p5subset.xml p5subset.json p5subset.js rm -f p5attlist.txt rm -f p5odds-examples.rng p5odds-examples.rnc p5odds.rng p5odds.rnc p5odds.isosch rm -f pdfbuild.log rm -f stripspace.xsl.model rm -f tei-*.zip rm -f tei-p5-*_*build rm -f tei-p5-*_*changes rm -f tei-p5-*_*deb rm -f rm -rf FASC-* rm -rf catalogue.* modList rm -rf valid v.xml ValidatorLog.xml Utilities/pointerattributes.xsl missfont.log v.body v.header Schematron1.xml Schematron2.xml Checking you have running XML tools and Perl before trying to run transform... Ant:/usr/bin/ant Perl:/usr/bin/perl Java:/usr/bin/java xmllint:/usr/bin/xmllint touch check.stamp get latest date: VCS is git if [ "git" = "svn" ] ; \ then \ if [ true = "true" ] ; \ then svn info --xml svn:// ; \ else svn info --xml ; \ fi > repodate.xml ; \ fi if [ git = "git" ] ; \ then \ git log --max-count=1 --pretty=format:"<info type=\"git\"><entry><commit revision=\"%h\"><date>%ai</date></commit></entry></info>" > repodate.xml ; \ fi BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> -DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml base subset outputs [echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas, schematron files [echo] Using <> for XSL stylesheets [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 55 seconds BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang (cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i `basename $i .rng`.rnc;done) touch schemas.stamp BUILD: Check validity with rnv ( if we have it command -v rnv && rnv -v p5odds.rnc p5.xml /usr/local/bin/rnv rnv version 1.7.10 p5.xml BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad links etc ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> validators [echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines) [echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid) [echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 26 seconds <Messages> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[3]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[4]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[5]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[6]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[7]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[8]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[9]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[10]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[11]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[12]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[13]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[14]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[15]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[16]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[17]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[18]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[19]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[20]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[21]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[22]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[23]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[24]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[25]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[26]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][2]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[1]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[6]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[4]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> </Messages> (grep -q "<ERROR>" ValidatorLog.xml;if [ $? -ne 1 ] ; then echo "Oh dear me. ERROR found";diff ValidatorLog.xml expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml;false; fi) sh BUILD: Check validity with nvdl, first examples with feasible validity, and then the valid ones ./run-onvdl p5.nvdl p5.xml /usr/bin/onvdl ./run-onvdl p5valid.nvdl v.xml /usr/bin/onvdl <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element Error: nvdl run found problems make: *** [valid] Error 1 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Not sending mail to unregistered user

See <> Changes: [ebbondar] one more try: editing content model of unit for #1461 ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 701 B...] Seen branch in repository origin/bansp-patch-1 Seen branch in repository origin/dataParam Seen branch in repository origin/dev Seen branch in repository origin/ebb Seen branch in repository origin/gh-pages Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-appcrit Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless-newJenkins Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_anyElement Seen branch in repository origin/hcayless_behaviourSpec Seen branch in repository origin/help Seen branch in repository origin/jamescummings-object Seen branch in repository origin/lb42-procmod Seen branch in repository origin/master Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_issue_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453 Seen branch in repository origin/mdh_path_1453_OLD Seen branch in repository origin/msFrag Seen branch in repository origin/peterstadler-antify Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.0.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.1.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.2.0 Seen branch in repository origin/release-3.3.0 Seen branch in repository origin/sf/tei Seen branch in repository origin/sf/trunk Seen branch in repository origin/sf/vendor Seen branch in repository origin/stadlerpeter-feature1726 Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-datAttSem Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-modelAttrChecks Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-noSchematron1.x Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-nuke_macro.schemaPattern Seen branch in repository origin/sydb-xenodata Seen branch in repository origin/tei-simple Seen 38 remote branches > git show-ref --tags -d # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 7da3c0326ec8e2ef77dfa52d2e6aec625fe0189b (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 7da3c0326ec8e2ef77dfa52d2e6aec625fe0189b Commit message: "one more try: editing content model of unit for #1461" > git rev-list --no-walk 74e90e7a7959dd2e1c97113e0ff71fca6356256d # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + cd P5 ++ pwd + make VCS=git INJENKINS=true XSL=<> clean validate test (cd Exemplars; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak rm -f *.processed *.xsd *.dtd *.doc.* *.rnc tei*.xsl tei*.rng *.compiled* *~ *.xi *.isosch *.epub *.pdf *.html *.nvdl *-teix* mv tei_lite_fr.nvdl.bak tei_lite_fr.nvdl rm -f exnames.xml rm -f enrich.rng isofs.rng rm -f names.xml *properties rm -f [A-Z]*xml make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> (cd Test; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> rm -f test*.doc.xml test*.rnc test*.dtd test*.compiled.* test*.xsd test*.rnc test*.rng test*.xsl test*.isosch rm -rf LOG *~ *.xsd Schema RomaResults DTD rm -rf *.doc.* rm -f detest.log detest.log.all rm -f *-examples.rng *-examples.rnc *test*.nvdl *-ex.odd rm -f detest.rnc detest.rng detest.dtd detest.isosch make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> rm -rf release Guidelines Guidelines-web Schema DTD dtd Split rm -rf Guidelines.??? Guidelines-* rm -f *.isosch.xsl rm -f *.stamp rm -f *.xsd rm -f Exemplars/stdout rm -f Test/*.isosch rm -f Test/detest.dtd Test/detest.rnc Test/detest.rng Test/detest.xsl rm -f Test/stdout rm -f Utilities/guidelines.xsl rm -f anything buildweb.xml rm -f p5.sch p5.isosch p5.xml p5subset.xml p5subset.json p5subset.js rm -f p5attlist.txt rm -f p5odds-examples.rng p5odds-examples.rnc p5odds.rng p5odds.rnc p5odds.isosch rm -f pdfbuild.log rm -f stripspace.xsl.model rm -f tei-*.zip rm -f tei-p5-*_*build rm -f tei-p5-*_*changes rm -f tei-p5-*_*deb rm -f rm -rf FASC-* rm -rf catalogue.* modList rm -rf valid v.xml ValidatorLog.xml Utilities/pointerattributes.xsl missfont.log v.body v.header Schematron1.xml Schematron2.xml Checking you have running XML tools and Perl before trying to run transform... Ant:/usr/bin/ant Perl:/usr/bin/perl Java:/usr/bin/java xmllint:/usr/bin/xmllint touch check.stamp get latest date: VCS is git if [ "git" = "svn" ] ; \ then \ if [ true = "true" ] ; \ then svn info --xml svn:// ; \ else svn info --xml ; \ fi > repodate.xml ; \ fi if [ git = "git" ] ; \ then \ git log --max-count=1 --pretty=format:"<info type=\"git\"><entry><commit revision=\"%h\"><date>%ai</date></commit></entry></info>" > repodate.xml ; \ fi BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> -DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml base subset outputs [echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas, schematron files [echo] Using <> for XSL stylesheets [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 51 seconds BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang (cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i `basename $i .rng`.rnc;done) touch schemas.stamp BUILD: Check validity with rnv ( if we have it command -v rnv && rnv -v p5odds.rnc p5.xml /usr/local/bin/rnv rnv version 1.7.10 p5.xml BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad links etc ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=<> validators [echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines) [echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid) [echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 27 seconds <Messages> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[3]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[4]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[5]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[6]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[7]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[8]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[9]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[10]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[11]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[12]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[13]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[14]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[15]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[16]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[17]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[18]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[19]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[20]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[21]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[22]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[23]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[24]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[25]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[6]/macroSpec[26]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute — @type of the macroSpec element will be removed from the TEI on 2018-10-01. [Test: @type] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[13]/div[3]/div[6]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/macroSpec[2]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][2]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[1]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The catchwords element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[7]/div[3]/div[3]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[5]/exemplum[6]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/collation[namespace-uri()=''][1]/p[namespace-uri()=''][1]/catchwords[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[4]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The secFol element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[14]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/secFol[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[7]/p[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[1]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[2]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> <WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: deprecated use of element — The signatures element will not be allowed outside of msDesc as of 2018-10-01. [Test: ancestor::tei:msDesc] Location: /TEI[1]/text[1]/body[1]/div[10]/div[3]/div[8]/specGrp[1]/elementSpec[15]/exemplum[3]/egXML[namespace-uri()=''][1]/signatures[namespace-uri()=''][1]</WARNING> </Messages> (grep -q "<ERROR>" ValidatorLog.xml;if [ $? -ne 1 ] ; then echo "Oh dear me. ERROR found";diff ValidatorLog.xml expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml;false; fi) sh BUILD: Check validity with nvdl, first examples with feasible validity, and then the valid ones ./run-onvdl p5.nvdl p5.xml /usr/bin/onvdl ./run-onvdl p5valid.nvdl v.xml /usr/bin/onvdl <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:48: error: text not allowed here <>:3:55: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:30: error: text not allowed here <>:4:37: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:66: error: text not allowed here <>:4:73: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:17: error: text not allowed here <>:4:24: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:2:76: error: text not allowed here <>:2:83: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:50: error: text not allowed here <>:3:57: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:3:47: error: text not allowed here <>:3:54: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:32: error: text not allowed here <>:4:39: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element <>:4:68: error: text not allowed here <>:4:75: error: unfinished element "unit": "teix:unit" required to finish the element Error: nvdl run found problems make: *** [valid] Error 1 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Not sending mail to unregistered user

participants (1)
Victoria TEI Jenkins