Dear all,
Dario Kampkaspar sent me a description of the Newspapers and Periodicals SIG - see below.
Von: Kampkaspar, Dario []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Februar 2018 11:08
An: Scholger, Martina (
Betreff: AW: TEI SIG Newspapers and Periodicals
Liebe Martina,
ich habe dazu mal den folgenden Text geschrieben:
Pulbications with any kind af regular publication cycle, from several times a day to cycles of several years, arguably form the majority of (printed) texts nowadays. They span from newspapers via almanacs to comics and many others.
While these different types all have their own needs, their periodicity means that there are special questions to keep in mind when systematically encoding them.
The SIG Periodicals and Newspapers will focus on aspects that are common to all these kinds of periodicals:
- how to encode this periodicity with its aspects in a concise and machine readable way;
- how to deal with parts of periodicals that have their own periodicity (e.g. weekly, monthly etc. additions);
- how to deal with texts continued over several issues of a perdiodical;
- how to encode the title of e.g. a newspaper (which usually do not cover an entire page).
Additionally, the SIG will focus on methods and workflows for preparing full texts of periodicals by means of OCR and related technologies.
Reicht das erst einmal so weit? Sicher würden wir diesen Text bei unserem nächsten Treffen noch weiter verfeinern.
Herzliche Grüße,
Von: Scholger, Martina (>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2018 16:20:02
An: Kampkaspar, Dario
Betreff: AW: TEI SIG Newspapers and Periodicals
Lieber Dario,
kannst du bitte einen Text zu den Interessen und Zielen der SIG verfassen? Siehe dazu zum Beispiel die Beschreibungen der Computer-Mediated Communication SIG oder der East Asian/Japanese SIG).
Diese braucht ihr dann ohnehin für die Vorstellung der SIG auf der TEI-Website.
Danke und liebe Grüße,
Von: Kampkaspar, Dario []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018 10:56
An: Scholger, Martina (>
Betreff: TEI SIG Newspapers and Periodicals
Liebe Martina,
wie ich gerade über Ingo Börner hörte, ist wohl die Meldung der SIG damals "untergegangen". Damit Du hierzu auch etwas vorliegen hast, hier meine damalige Mail:
this is to officially let you and Council know that the SIG on newspapers and periodicals asks to be formally recognized by the TEI. As I was the one to bring the topic back up, I was chosen as convener.
We have met yesterday and discussed our work for the next year. The minutes of our meeting, which include our key interests, can be found under
notes2017-11-14 - Google Docs
Newspapers SIG Present Dario Kampkaspar (DK) Sarah Stanley (SS) Alison Chapman (AC) Paul Schaffner (PS) Martin Holmes (MH) Syd Bauman (SB) Ingo Boerner (IB) Minutes How to encode periodicity? How to name different constituents of a newspaper? Interests of the group Periodical Victorian poe...
If you need any additional information, please contact me at any time.
Wenn Du weitere Info brauchst, kannst Du mich natürlich kontaktieren, per Mail oder Telefon.
Herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße aus Wien,