I ran a check to see which elements in my revised Simple schema had defined processing models. The schema now has a total of 166 elements, of which 56 appear only in the header. 103 in all have a processing model, 98 in the text, 5 in the header. That leaves 11 textual elements with no procmod (and 51 in the header). I'm more worried by the textual ones. They are biblScope, body, code, editor, email, facsimile, relatedItem, surface, surfaceGrp, teiCorpus, zone Leaving aside the facsimile-related ones, I think I can probably make up models for the others. Shall I do so? Would anyone like to propose a suitable proc mod for facsimile and its children?
(I know it's holidays everywhere, but I want to get this baby out of the
bath, so I have started answering my own questions...)
I've added processing models for biblScope, code, editor, email and
In the process I made a small modification to the existing processing
models for docAuthor, docDate etc. which appeared to be labouring
under the illusion that these elements might appear inside the TEI
Header. Which they can't.
I have still no idea what to specify as pm for <facsimile> and its
children though. Does the eXist implementation do anything with these?
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Subject: Simple problems (1)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 14:22:00 +0100
From: Lou Burnard
participants (1)
Lou Burnard