Build failed in Jenkins: Stylesheets-dev #2029

See <> Changes: [martindholmes] Working on; adding an ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 15 lines...] [workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/ + make clean test deb dist (for i in css/*; do rm -f `basename $i`;done) echo "" > test~ rm -f profile1.html profile2.html profile.xml find . -name "*~" | xargs rm rm -f tei-xsl-*.zip rm -rf tei-xsl_* rm -f Documentation/stylebear Documentation/style.xml Documentation/customize.xml Documentation/teixsl.html Documentation/index.xml rm -rf release dist (cd Test; make clean) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> (cd ..; for i in css/*; do rm -f `basename $i`;done) rm -f test*.odd.rnc test*epub test*pdf test*rdf test*text test*.xml.docx test*.xml.odt test*.tex test*.fo *.html *.xhtml *~ dummy* test.html test3.html test4.html *aux *vrb *out *log *nav *ent *snm *toc *.end *.1 *.2 test.xsd test*.dtd test-indexes.xml test37.xml test38.xml test39.xml test40.xml rm -f test*.rnc test*.json test*.rnc test*.combined.odd test*listing* test*.tei test*.rng test*.html5 test*.processedodd *.isosch rm -f oddbyexample.* index*div*html rm -f testdrama.compiled.xml rm -f test5.odt test7.xml test18.xml test19.xml test-index.xml test11.xml test9.docx test9.odt content.xml.odt.listing content.xml.odt test.xml.docx.core test7.docx rm -f A54031.xml dcr.result test-rtf2tei.xml test29.xml rm -f xml.result rm -rf charts/ embeddings/ media/ _rels/ \[Content_Types\].xml rm -rf temp-dir-for-ant Pictures OEBPS META-INF mimetype files rm -f test.xlsx.xml *.result.tex *.result.pdf _slidelogo.png rm -f content.xml rm -f cocoatest*.xml make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> rm -rf tei-p5-xsl_* rm -rf tei-p5-xsl2_* (cd debian-tei-xsl/debian; rm -rf tei-xsl) rm -f teioo.jar rm -rf docx/ImageInfo/bin rm -f names.xml licensekey.txt (for i in sciencejournal/*.html; do rm -f sciencejournal/`basename $i`;done) (for i in sciencejournal/*.xml; do rm -f sciencejournal/`basename $i`;done) BUILD Copy main XSL files test -d release/xsl/xml/tei/stylesheet || mkdir -p release/xsl/xml/tei/stylesheet/ for i in bibtex cocoa common csv docx dtd docbook epub epub3 fo html wordpress markdown html5 json latex latex nlm odd odds odt p4 pdf profiles/default rdf relaxng rnc schematron simple slides tbx tcp tite tools txt html xsd xlsx pdf verbatimxml ; do \ tar cf - $i | (cd release/xsl/xml/tei/stylesheet; tar xf - ); \ done java -jar lib/saxon9he.jar -it:main tools/getnames.xsl > names.xml BUILD Copy common files and documentation test -d release/xslcommon/xml/tei/stylesheet || mkdir -p release/xslcommon/xml/tei/stylesheet cp names.xml catalog.xml VERSION css/*.css i18n.xml release/xslcommon/xml/tei/stylesheet sh ./tools/mydch debian-tei-xsl/debian/changelog update debian changelog with 7.42.0 BUILD Run tests (cd Test; make) make[1]: Entering directory `<'> ../bin/teitorelaxng --odd test.odd test.rng WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.odd to <> (tei to relaxng) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 17 seconds perl -i -p -e 's/generated from ODD source.*//' test.rng xmllint --format test.rng > temp; mv temp test.rng perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/<!--\n ?Schema[^>]+>//smg' test.rng if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.rng expected-results/test.rng; fi (cd ..; for i in css/*; do test -f `basename $i` || ln -s $i `basename $i`;done) BUILD: testing html java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.html expected-results/test.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.html checklinks.xsl <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile=../tei.css pageLayout=Complex useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test-complex.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test-complex.html expected-results/test-complex.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.xml ../profiles/ota/html/to.xsl cssFile=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - | perl > test-ota.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test-ota.html expected-results/test-ota.html; fi ../bin/teitohtml5 test.xml test.html5 WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.xml to <> (tei to html5) using profile default [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language en) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test.html5 | perl > test.temp mv test.temp test.html5 if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.html5 expected-results/test.html5; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test20.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test20.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test20.html expected-results/test20.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -versionmsg:off test3.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test3.html java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -versionmsg:off test4.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test4.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test4.html test3.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test5.xml ../html/html.xsl autoBlockQuote=true useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test5.xhtml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test5.xhtml expected-results/test5.xhtml; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c xhtml.rnc test5.xhtml java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test6.xml ../html/html.xsl autoBlockQuote=true useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test6.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test6.html expected-results/test6.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar lib/jing-20120724.0.0.jar -c xhtml.rnc test6.html java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test14.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test14.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test14.html expected-results/test14.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test22.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test22.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test22.html expected-results/test22.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test23.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true| xmllint --format - > test23.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test23.html expected-results/test23.html; fi (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes1.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=4 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/two.html > x ; mv x files/two.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes; fi rm -rf files (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes2.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=0 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes2; fi rm -rf files (mkdir files; cd files;java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../../lib/saxon9he.jar ../testnotes2.xml ../../html/html.xsl splitLevel=4 useFixedDate=true STDOUT=false cssFile=../../tei.css) xmllint --format files/index.html > x ; mv x files/index.html xmllint --format files/one.html > x ; mv x files/one.html xmllint --format files/two.html > x ; mv x files/two.html xmllint --format files/three.html > x ; mv x files/three.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff -r files expected-results/testnotes3; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test24.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test24.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test24.html expected-results/test24.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test25.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test25.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test25.html expected-results/test25.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test27.xml ../html/html.xsl useFixedDate=true cssFile=../tei.css cssSecondaryFile=../css/msdescription.css | xmllint --format - > test27.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test27.html expected-results/test27.html; fi rm -rf files java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test28.xml ../html/html.xsl splitLevel=0 STDOUT=false useFixedDate=true xmllint --format index.html > x ; mv x index.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff index.html expected-results/test28.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test31.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile="" cssInlineFiles=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test31.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test31.html expected-results/test31.html; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test32.xml ../html/html.xsl cssFile="" cssInlineFiles=../tei.css useFixedDate=true | xmllint --format - > test32.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test32.html expected-results/test32.html; fi BUILD: testing p4top5 java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar -o:test17.tei test17.xml ../profiles/default/p4/from.xsl if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test17.tei expected-results/test17.tei; fi java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar A54031.tcp ../tcp/tcp2tei.xsl | xmllint --format - > A54031.xml if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff A54031.xml expected-results/A54031.xml; fi BUILD: testing oddity ../bin/teitohtml5 --summaryDoc --odd test.odd test.odd.html WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.odd to <> (tei to html5) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing and conversion to TEI Lite (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language en) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 20 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test.odd.html | perl> test.temp ; mv test.temp test.odd.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.odd.html expected-results/test.odd.html; fi ../bin/teitoodd test.odd test.processedodd WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test.odd to <> (tei to odd) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 9 seconds java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar test.processedodd ../odds/extract-isosch.xsl > test.isosch perl -i -p -e 's/generated .* by /generated by /' test.isosch if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test.isosch expected-results/test.isosch; fi ../bin/teitornc test21.odd test21.odd.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test21.odd to <> (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 16 seconds perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source.*//' test21.odd.rnc perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/# ?Schema[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#\n//smg' test21.odd.rnc if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test21.odd.rnc expected-results/test21.odd.rnc; fi ../bin/teitornc test15.odd test15.odd.rnc WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test15.odd to <> (tei to rnc) using profile default [echo] Do ODD expand processing (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 15 seconds perl -p -i -e 's/generated from ODD source.*//' test15.odd.rnc perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/# ?Schema[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#[^#]+#\n//smg' test15.odd.rnc if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test15.odd.rnc expected-results/test15.odd.rnc; fi ../bin/teitohtml5 --summaryDoc --lang=es --profile=tei --odd test15.odd test15.odd.html WARNING: No localsource set. Will get a copy from Convert test15.odd to <> (tei to html5) using profile tei [echo] Do ODD expand processing and conversion to TEI Lite (schema ) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored [echo] XSLT generate HTML files (language es) Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 19 seconds xmllint --encode utf-8 --format test15.odd.html | perl> test.temp ; mv test.temp test15.odd.html if [ 0 -ne 1 ]; \ then diff test15.odd.html expected-results/test15.odd.html; fi 179c179 < <span class="element"></div></span></div></td></tr></table></div></td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label">subtype</td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="es" itemprop="seg">proporciona, si es necesario, una subcategorización del elemento.</span><div class="table"><table class="attDef" itemprop="table"><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Estado</span></td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="es" itemprop="seg">Opcional</span></td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Tipo de datos</span></td><td class="odd_value">teidata.enumerated</td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Nota</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><p>El atributo <span class="att" itemprop="hi">subtype</span> (subtipo) se puede utilizar para proporcionar cualquier subclasificación para el elemento, adicional a ésa proporcionada por su <span class="att" itemprop="hi">type</span> (tipo) de atributo.</p></td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div></td> ---
<span class="element"></div></span></div></td></tr></table></div></td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label">subtype</td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="es" itemprop="seg">proporciona, si es necesario, una subcategorización del elemento.</span><div class="table"><table class="attDef" itemprop="table"><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Estado</span></td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="es" itemprop="seg">Opcional</span></td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="odd_label"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Tipo de datos</span></td><td class="odd_value">teidata.enumerated</td></tr><tr itemprop="row"><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span lang="es" class="label" itemprop="hi">Nota</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">El atributo <span class="att" itemprop="hi">subtype</span> (subtipo) se puede utilizar para proporcionar cualquier subclasificación para el elemento, adicional a ésa proporcionada por su <span class="att" itemprop="hi">type</span> (tipo) de atributo.</td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div></td> 339c339 < <div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e882" class="pre egXML_valid"><span class="element"><body></span>
<div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e881" class="pre egXML_valid"><span class="element"><body></span>
699c699 < <div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e1688" class="pre egXML_valid"><span class="element"><para></span>Hallgerd was outside. <span class="element"><q></span>There is blood on your axe,<span class="element"></q></span> she said. <span class="element"><q></span>What have you ---
<div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e1687" class="pre egXML_valid"><span class="element"><para></span>Hallgerd was outside. <span class="element"><q></span>There is blood on your axe,<span class="element"></q></span> she said. <span class="element"><q></span>What have you
1001,1003c1001 < <td class="wovenodd-col2"> < <p>Puede ser utilizado para indicar que un pasaje es distinguido del texto circundante mediante las comillas por las razones que sean sobre las cuales no se hace ninguna declaración. Cuando se utiliza de este modo, <a class="link_ref" itemprop="ref" href="#TEI.q" title="<q>"><q></a> puede ser considerado como una marca sintáctica para <a class="link_ref" itemprop="ref" href="#TEI.hi" title="hi (subrayado) marca una palabra o frase gráficamente diferente del resto del texto que la circunda por causas sobre las que no..."><hi></a> con un valor de <span class="att" itemprop="hi">rend</span>, lo que indica el uso de las comillas.</p> < </td> ---
<td class="wovenodd-col2">Puede ser utilizado para indicar que un pasaje es distinguido del texto circundante mediante las comillas por las razones que sean sobre las cuales no se hace ninguna declaración. Cuando se utiliza de este modo, <a class="link_ref" itemprop="ref" href="#TEI.q" title="<q>"><q></a> puede ser considerado como una marca sintáctica para <a class="link_ref" itemprop="ref" href="#TEI.hi" title="hi (subrayado) marca una palabra o frase gráficamente diferente del resto del texto que la circunda por causas sobre las que no..."><hi></a> con un valor de <span class="att" itemprop="hi">rend</span>, lo que indica el uso de las comillas.</td>
1010c1008 < <div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e2551" class="pre egXML_valid">It is spelled <span class="element"><q></span>Tübingen<span class="element"></q></span> — to enter the ---
<div id="index.xml-egXML-d33e2549" class="pre egXML_valid">It is spelled <span class="element"><q></span>Tübingen<span class="element"></q></span> — to enter the
make[1]: *** [test-oddity] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `<'> make: *** [test] Error 2 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Archiving artifacts

participants (1)
Victoria TEI Jenkins