MS Sig Discussion Re Ch. 11 Fwd: SIG meeting today: 2pm in Board Room

Council (cc: Dot)— Dot’s organized an impromptu MS SIG for this afternoon to discuss tickets related to Chapter 11. Since we have a couple of Council members assigned to work on these tickets, I think some of us should be present—I’m happy to go and take notes. Anyone else coming? Elisa -- Elisa Beshero-Bondar, PhD Director, Center for the Digital Text | Associate Professor of English University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg | Humanities Division 150 Finoli Drive Greensburg, PA 15601 USA E-mail: <> Development site: <>
Begin forwarded message:
From: Dot Porter <dot.porter@GMAIL.COM> Subject: SIG meeting today: 2pm in Board Room Date: September 29, 2016 at 11:10:51 AM GMT+2 To: TEI-MS-SIG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU Reply-To: Dot Porter <dot.porter@GMAIL.COM>
Dear TEI Manuscripts SIG,
There will be an impromptu SIG meeting in the Board Room today at 2pm (during the poster session). If you are at the TEI meeting please come!
There are three items that I have for the agenda, and please bring your own items for discussion.
1. Gerrit Brüning and Brett Barney have been working to tidy up chapter 11 of the Guidelines (Representation of Primary Resources, <>), as the introduction of the genetic module has left the chapter in an untidy state.
They have created a number of issues on Github: - <>ssues?q=is%3Aissue+author%3Abrettttt+ <> - <> Most of them are minor, and most of them have been closed in the meantime. But surprise, the most important ones are still open: - <> - <> - <> (created by Lou, connected to #1427) Brett and Gerrig will have a supply of more issues that we will share in the next couple of months. We are looking for other people to tackle some of the work on cleaning up the chapter.
2. Critical Apparatus, Chapter 12 ( <>)
A couple of years ago there was a working group that published a number of recommendations for updating the apparatus chapter. The apparatus has been a major issue for several years. There was a big change when app was made global and lem and rdg were allowed to contain chunk level elements in the last year. But that step was taken independently of the workgroup that we started in Rome. This was a follow-up group that as far as we know did not do anything to implement the recommendations of the earlier group. (Here is the latest document I am aware of regarding work on the apparatus: <>)
It would be great if we could pick up work on the apparatus.
3. Manuscript Description, Chapter 10 ( <>)
This is a discussion coming out of the session yesterday. We can discuss setting up an interest group (a subset of the Manuscripts SIG?) for people working with msDesc to compare approaches and propose modifications to the Guidelines.
Look forward to seeing you at 2pm in the Board Room.
Dot Porter, SIG co-chair
-- *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Dot Porter (MA, MSLS) Digital Medievalist, Digital Librarian Email: <> Penn Manuscripts on Tumblr: <> MESA: <> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
participants (1)
Elisa Beshero-Bondar