One of the things that makes these stylesheets so hard to deal with
is the craziness. E.g., the following is a copy-and-pasted excerpt
from Stylesheets/odds/odd2odd.xsl.
--------- begin ---------
xsl:copy" name="{local-name()}">
--------- end ---------
There is *no* explanation as to why there are 2 templates next to
each other which do *the same thing* and where one matches a subset
of constructs the other matches.
The second template has no effect on the output XML tree. Using
Saxon, at least, it does effect the serialization. With the 2nd
template in there I got
<text xmlns=""/>
without it I got
Does anyone know of a reason to leave that 2nd template in?
Personally, I prefer the prefixed version of the output, anyway.