8 Jun
8 Jun
11:12 a.m.
Hi Kevin, I've updated that link now -- thanks for reminding me it's there. I'll also be updating the TCW for TEI releases once everything is tested and stable; tei oxygen-tei part of that process will change (it'll be much simpler, I hope). Cheers, Martin On 15-06-08 10:58 AM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
If you do this ...
On 6/8/15 12:36 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
1. Move the last couple of releases with the old filenames into the new folder and give them new filenames, adjusting the updateSite.oxygen file accordingly.
... then please also update the link in the second bullet at http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/OXygen#The_TEI_Framework_in_.3CoXygen.3E .