Hi Martin, thanks for the minutes! I’ll add some comments inline.
Am 18.10.2016 um 20:24 schrieb Martin Holmes <mholmes@uvic.ca>:
Hi all,
[I don't have permission to post to the Council list, so could someone on Council copy this to the list? Also please add any clarifications if you were present for the meeting; this is from memory, not from notes.]
Today's session was a bit disorganized because our Great Leader Syd was unavoidably absent, but we did have some useful discussion. These are some things we managed to clarify:
We explained the difference between calling the command-line scripts (bin/teitohtml5, bin/teitoodt) and directly calling the actual ant build files which do the real work (html5/build-to.xsl, odt/build-from.xml).
We established that while the scripts are appropriate for most simple use-cases, they can result in confusion when the actual transformation you need to do is not served exactly by a script; then you need to call the ant task with the appropriate parameters, and that can be quite tricky to figure out.
We established that when ODDs are converted to documentation, there is an intermediate conversion to TEI Lite, from which the documentation output is then generated. This puts TEI Lite at the centre of a range of different core processes, meaning that its maintenance remains crucial for the TEI infrastructure.
We established that the transformations in the Oxygen TEI Framework are of course based on the ant tasks rather than the scripts, and that it would probably be a good idea for us to create detailed documentation for each of those tasks and their parameters. Peter (IIRC) pointed out at least one case where what Oxygen is doing is not what you would expect, and that might be a bug that should be raised on the oxygen-tei repo. [Peter, what were the details of this?] I was referring back to https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/161 which I thought was a parameter issue rather than a Stylesheets bug. I understood from the discussion that for people running teitohtml it worked while for people running the oXygen transformation scenario „TEI ODD to XHTML“ it didn’t. And the magic key was the ‚--odd‘ flag. Now, I was trying to reproduce this and I couldn’t. teitohtml --odd --profile=tei teitohtml5 --odd --profile=tei teitohtml --odd teitohtml … all produced the wrong output, i.e. the merged paragraphs <p>aaa</p><p>bbb</p> —> aaabbb. NB: I tried with an older version of the Stylesheets, since Martin already committed a fix.
Lou pointed out that the bug which he reported here:
is urgent and release-blocking; since it looks like a Stylesheets bug to me, I raised a parallel issue:
<https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/176> That should be https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/180
but if it turns out to be a bug in oxygen-tei, then we should move it there. Lou understands exactly what the problem is here, so he will clarify it in as much detail as possible, so we can all look through the relevant code and see if we arrive at the same understanding before proposing a fix. This is the task we want to be working on between now and the next session: if we can agree on a fix, and implement it before the meeting, we can talk everyone through what we ended up doing, learning a lot in the process.
Finally, we looked briefly at this bug:
which Syd and I raised recently, and for which we are moving towards a possible solution. This I think should also be release-blocking, so it should be fixed soon (Peter pointed out that we're approaching a release in December and such changes shouldn't be made in the dev branch close to the release). Sorry, I misunderstood. #176 is definitely release blocking and should be fixed in the dev branch. I was looking at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/issues/178 which I’d not classify as crucial – hence my suggestion to postpone this until after the release or doing it in a branch.
Thanks again and all the best Peter