I believe we're slated to release Monday (is that still correct Syd and Sarah?), and I'm currently working on the release notes, which I'll commit shortly. I recommend everyone who has time take a look at http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/TEIP5-dev/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/P5... and check for typos in sections you know have had work done on them. I just found a few in the Languages and Character Sets intro, which I've fixed. I'll be up on Slack starting about 8:30 am EDT Monday morning. If the release techs decide you need a bit more time, that's fine. I'll be available next week to help until midday on Thursday. Sorry to have been a bit tardy with the release notes. I was struggling with a couple of very hairy project deliverables this week, and it ended up consuming all of my available time. Hugh