Thanks James. We weren't expecting any problems, but we don't have good automated tests in place yet. And to be honest, I don't really know how to write any. I've decided to try and convert the bash scripts that build the plugin to an ant task; that'll be cleaner and easier to maintain. We should be able to have a single ant task that's used for all the various build scenarios (stable-for-testing, stable-for-SF-release, stable-for-oxygen-folks, and bleeding-edge-for-testing) just controlled by a single parameter. With luck, I can have this done and working the FtF. Cheers, Martin On 15-05-14 01:47 AM, James Cummings wrote:
I did only basic minimal tests starting a TEI all template and a jTEI one. Everything I tried seems to work as I'd expect... This isn't exhaustive testing, but I'll let you know if anything else messes up.
On 14/05/15 05:35, Martin Holmes wrote:
Hi all,
After some more testing with Ron, I've just released a new version of the Oxygen plugin, incorporating the latest Stylesheets release (7.35.0) and some changes to the plugin codebase that we had had to back out of before Oxygen 17 was released because they depended on Stylesheets changes which hadn't been released at that point. If you're subscribed to this version of the plugin, please let me know if you see any problems.
One of the confusing issues I'll talk about when I do my little show-and-tell on the Oxygen plugin in Michigan will be version numbers. Right now, the plugin filename is derived from the P5 and Stylesheets versions incorporated in it:
teioxygen-2.8.0-7.35.0.zip = P5 2.8.0 and Stylesheets 7.35.0.
However, there also has to be a true version number for the plugin, which is inserted into the updateSite.oxygen XML file that handles the plugin updates for users. Oxygen's system only allows a version number consisting of three dotted digits:
Our practice up to now has been to name the plugin release after the P5 release on which it's based, so this would be:
but because the last one was already 2.8.0, I've had to increment it:
If we now go ahead and release a minor P5 update, which would be 2.8.1, we would confusingly have to increment the plugin version number to 2.8.2.
So I'd like to suggest that we detach the plugin versioning count entirely from the P5 version, and simply increment it independently; but with the second and third digits representing collapsed versions of the P5 and Stylesheets versions on which it's based:
This would mean that we could have meaningful plugin version numbers simply incrementing in position 1, and still record the versions of P5 and the Stylesheets on which they're based.
Any see any problem with this? We could make the change at the same time that we switch the file naming from teioxygen to oxygen-tei, as we've discussed before.
Cheers, Martin