That would make sense if "uniform" were the default; but it's not. Most of us are not using this attribute, and therefore we are making (without our knowledge) a specific claim about our divs. Seriously, this is bonkers. Where there are two values, one of which means "no claim is made about anything", it makes no sense to make the _other_ one the default value for a non-required (and rarely-used) attribute. Cheers, Martin On 2015-05-30 07:26 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
This is not as silly as all that. Usually and therefore by default the components of a div are to be understood to represent all the contents of that div organised in sequence. But you might have a div composed of chunks assembled from elsewhere which would therefore not be "uniform". For example, consider an encoding a newspaper: you might organise it by putting all the constituent stories in order of appearance on the page, or you might group them type or function, or you might not be able to tell (or not wish to claim to tell) what order they are in.
On 30/05/15 04:05, Martin Holmes wrote:
I hereby nominate att.divLike/@org's defaultVal:
This has its own novel brand of silliness: There are two values, and the first value, "composite", means "no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships." Yet THIS IS NOT THE DEFAULT VALUE; the _other_ one, "uniform", which _does_ make a claim, is the default.
Well FFS. It shall die unless I hear otherwise in the next few hours.
cheers, Martin