I cannot speak to the Jenkins checkbox, but I have a vague recollection that the “Schematron does not know what is going on here” error comes from the build process skipping some of the steps. (Which happened to work until Raff added the abstract patterns I suggested on a ticket. If you want to use abstract patterns, you need to execute all 4 steps.) But here’s the thing, I am pretty sure I fixed that (by adding the extra steps to the ant file), at least in the branch in which it was occurring. Maybe I am mis-remembering? I should have a chance to look at this carefully in an hour or two. ________________________________ So, one more thing I just discovered (for myself): This checkbox "Mark build Failed on Error“ does only apply to the log parsing. Usually, the ant task would fail, and the build would be flagged as failed by Jenkins. In this case, the ant script just goes on and we only find the errors in the log file. So, it might not be bad to check this box but ideally the ant task should already fail.