*- **Test scenarios**:* ODD is complicated. There may be ways in which elements and modules are added / removed that I might have missed. Please read through this brief list https://github.com/raffazizzi/romajs/wiki/Test-scenarios to see if anything is missing.
I don't know how to add comments to or edit a GitHub wiki. (Not much
of a wiki if others can't edit it, is it? But it's probably just me.
I so rarely use the GitHub interface.)
Anyway ...
|> can't fix: it would require traversing the ODD again and I'd rather
|> keep the redundancy in the ODD (moduleRef/@exclude AND
|> elementSpec[@mode='delete']as it doesn't change the ODD at
|> compilation.
I'm really suspicious of this. While I get that it's a lot of work, it
does not seem to me like a minor thing to send an ODD back to the
user that has both an <elementSpec mode=delete> and a
*- **Modules & Elements UI**:* I made an attempt at keeping the list of modules and elements tidy, though there is a lot of scrolling involved and I wonder if anyone has an idea of how I could organize this better.
Thoughts on the UI: * Much better than anything I would have come up with on my own. Kudos to you. * I hate it; but I think most people will like it. That's because I have trouble using a mouse, but most people prefer to use a mouse. * Two thoughts for improvement - immediate: reduce leading between element names - at some point, perhaps future version: when a particular list is "active" (i.e., when it is the one that gets scrolled), give the user completion -- allow me to type the first few letters of an element to scroll to it, and to select/deselect it by pressing SPACE or RET or some such.
*- **Break it*: if you haven't already, try uploading your (canonicalized) ODD and see if the modules and elements are correctly loaded. Make a few changes and see if the new ODD: a) is preserved as much as possible; b) the new stuff is there.
Worked for me on 1 simple test. But what, pray tell, is a canonicalized ODD?
- start bugging people directly for help
I am eager to help by testing ODDs or writing XSLT, but when it comes to Javascript you would have to get around my 10-foot pole.