Thanks Elli! Yes indeed! I’ve hear of her work. However, she’s not an Assyriologist although she’s working on ancient texts. But of course, she is very good contact for future TEI meetings/workshops in France. Vanessa Le 23 oct. 2018 à 16:09, Mylonas, Elli <elli_mylonas@brown.edu<mailto:elli_mylonas@brown.edu>> a écrit : As this discussion progresses, and the role of council becomes clearer - other than participating in the workshop, that is, I will mention that one very TEI-savvy person, who also works on epigraphy and who is in France, is Emmanuelle Morlock (https://www.hisoma.mom.fr/annuaire/morlock-emmanuelle). A possible contact for Vanessa. --elli On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:58 AM Vanessa Bigot-Juloux <vanessa.bigot-juloux@ephe.psl.eu<mailto:vanessa.bigot-juloux@ephe.psl.eu>> wrote: Dear Martina, Dear colleagues, I had a look at the minutes and saw that Vanessa added an item to the agenda that I missed during the meeting, sorry for that! No worries--I have added it belatedly. Regarding TEI workshop proposal: We haven’t received a call of session yet, so it is just something I would like to suggest to the organizers of this International conference. I think it can be a good opportunity to introduce TEI to neophytes. A suggestion of TEI workshop for Assyriologists which needs to be improved of course: - Morning session, TEI intensive overview based from Assyriological data: * What is TEI? * How TEI can help Assyriologists to improve their research wether it’s for philology, paleography, anthropology or other archaeological purposes (including a practical example with a list of goals for a specific project in order to be used (later during the morning session) to look for the good <elements> and @attributes). * What must a TEI practitioner need to know (TEI, ODD, XPath, XSLT, CSS) and why? * Short pratical examples: TEI (teiCorpus), XPath, XSLT (via Oxygen + preview in a browser). * How to read/use the guidelines (1) (used simultaneously with the practical examples). - Afternoon session: * How to read/use the guidelines (2). * What software to use and where to find assistance regarding this software? * Overview of TEI community and how to use Github in order to ask assistance to TEI community. * First step (suggestion to TEI tech council) to neophyte: TEI online mentoring, who, why and how? As for the morning session, I suggest working on a few practical examples (very short) that participants will send prior to the workshop in order to allow them to have a better idea of how TEI can help them. In addition, on a handout: a list of univ. who propose TEI/Xpath/XSLT training and online course (i.e.: Marjorie and Elena online training). After the sessions, I suggest giving a short questionnaire in order to list the needs of Assyriologists and how we can improve our guidelines/assistance to them. What do you think? Of course it means I’ll need support for this intensive day—from my university (i.e. Peter Stokes if he’s available during summer time) or a TEI tech council colleague (in Europe?). In advance, thanks for your kind advices. Best, Vanessa Le 23 oct. 2018 à 00:07, Scholger, Martina (martina.scholger@uni-graz.at<mailto:martina.scholger@uni-graz.at>) <martina.scholger@uni-graz.at<mailto:martina.scholger@uni-graz.at>> a écrit : Dear Vanessa and all, I had a look at the minutes and saw that Vanessa added an item to the agenda that I missed during the meeting, sorry for that! It is about the TEI workshop for ancient Near Eastern (ANE) scholars during the international conference of Assyriologists in July (Paris) https://iaassyriology.com/past-rencontres/ Vanessa, is it something that we can discuss via email? Best wishes, Martina _______________________________________________ Tei-council mailing list Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org<mailto:Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org> http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council _______________________________________________ Tei-council mailing list Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org<mailto:Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org> http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council _______________________________________________ Tei-council mailing list Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org<mailto:Tei-council@lists.tei-c.org> http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council