See discussion at end of issue #1267 for another mysteriously lost commit. On 06/04/16 11:52, Peter Stadler wrote:
Dear all,
I’m sorry to say that obviously some commits to the TEIC/TEI dev branch got erroneously overwritten by subsequent commits. I just realized when I looked at the current header chapter and found the modifications I made to the correspDesc section missing. There were a bunch of changes (for a list see issue #1350) and obviously they got lost during the "merge branch 'dev' of into dev“ by some hcayless (Jan 9, commit 6bc49d05f1b0d9385c10563e843c3baeed557591).
It’s not clear to me how that happened, especially since Syd’s commit (c5e0adb713042c024bf64d93a8bf4291ed4f875f) came between mine and Hugh’s while his changes to the header chapter were added correctly (and didn’t overwrite mine)?!