If you wanted to do something like what EpiDoc does, but without having to totally roll your own Guidelines, I could see this being useful. It wouldn’t work for the prose at all unless you edited your own version, but I could see it for the reference parts.
On May 26, 2015, at 9:58 , Raffaele Viglianti <raffaeleviglianti@gmail.com> wrote:
What if I wanted to generate guidelines similarly to the official guidelines? ie one HTML per chapter + separated pages for the schemaSpec? What is the main process that takes care of that? Can it be customized to be used with my customization's guidelines?
On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 6:32 PM, Martin Holmes <mholmes@uvic.ca> wrote:
Would it ever make sense to do that? You'd have a lot of links in your Guidelines to specs that didn't exist. I think if you were going to do this, you'd probably want to pre-process your ODD source, not only to delete the schemaSpec, but also to replace <gi>s and <att>s and things that would result in broken links.
Cheers, Martin
On 15-05-25 01:17 PM, Peter Stadler wrote:
That bothered me as well. The only solution I found was to temporarily comment out the schemaSpec (from the source ODD).
Best Peter
Am 25.05.2015 um 22:05 schrieb Raffaele Viglianti:
I have a follow up question: how can I generate the *guidelines* of a customization? ie whatever I put in <body>?
I know that ./teitohtml --odd custom.odd will do a decent job, but it also includes all of the schemaspec in massive tables. Is there a parameter I'm missing, or should I be using a different script altogether?
Raff On May 25, 2015 4:00 PM, "Martin Holmes" <mholmes@uvic.ca> wrote:
I've you're on a NIX*-y machine, you should be able to use:
bin/teitorelaxng tei_all.odd
and get something called tei_all.odd.relaxng.
teitorelaxng is just a symlink to transformtei, which supplies (through its own name) the required parameters. Very clever indeed, Mr Rahtz is.
Cheers, Martin
On 15-05-25 12:50 PM, Hugh Cayless wrote:
Can someone explain to me like I’m an idiot how to use the
Stylesheets to generate, say, a TEI All schema using the Guidelines specs? I’m afraid the documentation doesn’t give me enough to go on. I thought I understood it, but I don’t. My understanding is that you use the transformtei script, but what inputs do you give it?
Thanks, Hugh
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