Sorry to have waited so long to pick this back up. I was off at a conference last week, so I didn't have the bandwidth to investigate further. Lou, is that your whole ODD? If so, I think the problem may be that you still need to put moduleRefs in the derived ODD. You don't seem to get them for free from the source. I'm finding that this all works, pretty much, but there are some interesting gotchas. Here's my scenario: I want to make a critical editions ODD that's based on EpiDoc, but that puts back a few things EpiDoc leaves out, like tables, for example. As Lou mentioned, I can point to the EpiDoc compiled ODD on my schemaSpec, but then at the p5subset.xml on my moduleRefs, effectively bypassing the parts where EpiDoc has stripped out something useful, so my schemaSpec looks like: <schemaSpec ident="tei-DLL" docLang="en" prefix="tei_" start="TEI" xml:lang= "en" source="tei-epidoc-full.odd"> ... The EpiDoc modueRef for figures looks like: <moduleRef key="figures" except="cell formula row table"/> but mine looks like: <moduleRef key="figures" except="formula" source= "../../TEIC/TEI/P5/p5subset.xml"/> And that's all great, I get back my tables. BUT I don't have the tableDecoration attributes (@role, @rows, @cols) because those are in the "tei" module, and they've been stripped from the EpiDoc compiled ODD because there are no references to the att.tableDecoration class in it (because it excludes table). This means I have to do <moduleRef key="tei" source="../../TEIC/TEI/P5/p5subset.xml"/> as well, so I get that attribute class back. So...interesting gotcha, which leads my to ask why att.tableDecoration is in "tei" instead of "figures". Is that just a mistake? On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
moduleRef already has @source, I think.
But there's still something wrong. I ought to be able to do something like :
<schemaSpec ident="ODDauthoring" source="tei_bare.subset.xml" > <elementSpec ident="list" mode="delete" module="core"/> </schemaSpec>
to get an even barer version from which <list> is missing. But no, I always get a schema with no elements at all.
On 07/10/16 17:34, Hugh Cayless wrote:
I expect that would work, yeah. I think what you really want though is to be able to pull a moduleRef off a different @source. What if we let you use @source on moduleRef as well?
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 12:29 PM, Lou Burnard < lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
Yes, that does seem to be the problem (James is saying the same thing in
another window).
It doesn't seem unreasonable to want to start from an existing ODD and then add some more declarations or modules to it. An ODD processor has to be able to reconcile multiple spec elements anyway. I wonder if it would work if I just copied the specs from the tagdocs module into my new ODD?
On 07/10/16 17:22, Hugh Cayless wrote:
My guess would be this is because tei_bare doesn't include tagdocs. So
you're referencing a module that doesn't exist, as far as it's concerned?
If this is how it works, then you can only ever subset chained ODDs, not restore already-filtered stuff, which means it would actually be unusable for my own current purpose—basing a critical editions ODD on EpiDoc, because we want to put back some stuff EpiDoc removes. That's kind of a bummer. Maybe we need to think about how we'd want chaining to work, and then figure out how to make that happen instead?
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Lou Burnard < lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
I am having trouble getting odd chaining to work at all.
Can anyone explain to me why the following doesn't do what I expect?
<schemaSpec ident="ODDauthoring" source="tei_bare.subset.xml" > <moduleRef key="tagdocs"/> </schemaSpec>
(The file tei_bare.subset.xml is one I produced by running the published ODD for tei_bare through teitoodd)
In my mind, this ought to give me a schema which contains the same as tei_bare plus the elements defined in the tagdocs module. In fact it gives me a schema with no elements at all.
I must be missing something obvious. Maybe someone could send me an example of an ODD chaining which does work?
On 06/10/16 16:37, Hugh Cayless wrote:
I was playing around last night with chaining ODDs and thinking we needed
better documentation for them, so this is a nice start. One thing that tripped me up last night is that it isn't clear that @source has to point at a *compiled* ODD, so you can't just point at the latest EpiDoc ODD, for example, you have to run it through teitoodd first. I can see why that's so, but wonder if there's any way around it...
On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Lou Burnard < lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
On my way home from Vienna I started drafting a little homily about how to
update your old ODD to a pure new shiny one. The source is in github > under > TEI/Documentation/pureODD/purifyDoc.xml > > CETEICEAN renders it reasonably well (modulo a couple of gotchas on > which > I've posted issues) at http://teic.github.io/TCW/purifyDoc.html, but > the > nicest reading version is at http://teic.github.io/TCW/puri > fyDoc_static.html > > I'd very much welcome Council's comments before exposing it further. > Seems to me we need to promote ODD a bit more, and this might be a > good > start. I'm also working on an "ODD for beginners" guide, but this one > is > aimed at old lags who made an ODD back in the day and are interested > in > getting up to speed with its new possibilities. So much so (I now > realise) > that I've completely forgotten to mention the existence of Roma in > it. > But > I'll stop tweaking for now anent your comments... > > > -- > tei-council mailing list > tei-council@lists.tei-c.org > http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council > > PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived > > > -- > tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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