According to Sebastian, there is no need for any special key beyond a standard issue GPG one. The problem James was having is due to his trying to do the job *as* Sebastian, which meant he would have needed Sebastian's GPG key. So someone should try to do the task using their own credentials. (If this fails, I do now know Sebastian's key phrase, but obviously it would be better not to use that if we can avoid it) I passed on Council's best wishes to him as well, of course. He is currently having radiotherapy on a more or less daily basis, but we won't know how effective this has been for another month or so. He has trouble reading, writing, moving, and speaking, but he and his family seem to be coping as well as might be expected. On 25/09/15 13:41, Martin Holmes wrote:
[Sending this again because last time it went to the Brown TEI list.]
Fair enough. I think the number and speed of responses on TEI-L suggests that the packages are used and useful, so we should continue to maintain them. The next question is how many of them and which of them; and how do we manage the transition to a new signing key and a new repository location?
Cheers, Martin