Lou -- Not sure where you are in your Herculean task of updating the definitions to Pure ODD, but I noticed what seems to be an error in the content of <egXML> in the P5-Pure branch. The declaration is: <content> <alternate> <textNode/> <macroRef key="macro.anyXML"/> </alternate> </content> But since macro.anyXML is singular, only 1 child of <egXML> is permitted. However, multiple children are supposed to be permitted. (And indeed, by my quick count we have 140 <egXML>s w/ multiple children.) I.e., the content model of <egXML> is ( text | macro.anyXML* ) but P5-Pure only has ( text | macro.anyXML ) So I'm thinking it should be <content> <alternate> <textNode/> <macroRef maxOccurs="unbound" key="macro.anyXML"/> </alternate> </content> No? BTW, this seems egregious enough that back in the world of Subversion I might have just fixed it,[1] but this git stuff is somewhat intimidating. Am I correct that to fix this, I would make the change in the P5-Pure branch, check it in, and then go onto GitHub to issue a pull request to Lou? Or do I just push it up myself? Notes ----- [1] Actually, I likely would not have, or at least would have sent you mail saying so, since this may be a symptom of a larger ODD->PureODD problem.