9 Sep
9 Sep
3:15 a.m.
I just checked in a short document describing how I'm thinking of addressing issue 1173 (purifying macro.anyXML) : it's in the TEI repo at Documents/TCW/anyXMLproposal.xml In an excess of optimism I also placed an HTML version using CETEICEAN in what I believe to be the right place (http://teic.github.io/TCW/anyXMLproposal.html) ... but sadly it seems CETEICEAN is not yet able to handle tables, or at least not those whose cells contain <egXML>s. Bother. In the interest of progressing the issue, I've also put a static HTML version generated by the default teitohtml conversion at http://teic.github.io/TCW/anyXMLproposal_static.html, but it would be nice to do it properly.