Raff, your commit seems to have failed to build, and the email that
Jenkins tried to send you to let you know bounced (the SF server says
rviglianti@users.sourceforge.net does not exist).
Could you take a look at the error message below and see if you can fix
the problems? It looks as though:
< <ERROR>egXML points to non-existent #VESA-eg-1
< (TEI[1]/text[2]/body[3]/div["VE"]/div["VESA"]/p[6]/) </ERROR>
you didn't actually add VESA-eg-1 to the Bibliography.
< <ERROR>id 'said1297' used more than once</ERROR>
< <ERROR>id 'said1298' used more than once</ERROR>
< <ERROR>id 'said1299' used more than once</ERROR>
xml:ids were used multiple times, which I think is a no-no, even in
examples; they're also validated.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Build failed in Jenkins: TEIP5-Test #2588
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 01:17:28 +0100
From: tei@oucs.ox.ac.uk
To: sebastian.rahtz@it.ox.ac.uk, mholmes@uvic.ca,
See http://bits.nsms.ox.ac.uk:8080/jenkins/job/TEIP5-Test/2588/changes
[rviglianti] Added subsection suggesting strategies to encode textual
structures across verses. Fixes bug #705
Started by an SCM change
Building in workspace
Updating svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tei/code/trunk/P5 at revision
'2015-03-30T01:15:08.397 +0100'
U Source/Guidelines/en/VE-Verse.xml
At revision 13190
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson6312426556303253728.sh
++ pwd
+ make INJENKINS=true
clean validate test
(cd Exemplars; make clean)
make[1]: Entering directory
rm -f *.xsd *.dtd *.doc.* *.rnc tei*.xsl tei*.rng *.compiled* *~ *.xi
*.isosch *.epub *.pdf *.html *.nvdl *-examples*
rm -f exnames.xml
rm -f enrich.rng isofs.rng
rm -f names.xml *properties
rm -f [A-Z]*xml
make[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/hudson/jobs/TEIP5-Test/workspace/Exemplars'
(cd Test; make clean)
make[1]: Entering directory `/srv/hudson/jobs/TEIP5-Test/workspace/Test'
rm -f test*.doc.xml test*.rnc test*.dtd test*.compiled.* test*.xsd
test*.rnc test*.rng test*.xsl test*.isosch
rm -rf LOG *~ *.xsd Schema RomaResults DTD
rm -rf *.doc.*
rm -f detest.log detest.log.all
rm -f *-examples.rng *-examples.rnc *test*.nvdl *-ex.odd
rm -f detest.rnc detest.rng detest.dtd detest.isosch
make[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/hudson/jobs/TEIP5-Test/workspace/Test'
rm -rf release Guidelines Guidelines-web Schema DTD dtd Split
rm -rf Guidelines.??? Guidelines-*
rm -f *.isosch.xsl
rm -f *.stamp
rm -f *.xsd
rm -f Exemplars/stdout
rm -f Test/*.isosch
rm -f Test/detest.dtd Test/detest.rnc Test/detest.rng Test/detest.xsl
rm -f Test/stdout
rm -f Utilities/guidelines.xsl
rm -f anything buildweb.xml
rm -f p5.sch p5.isosch p5.xml p5subset.xml p5subset.json p5subset.js
rm -f p5attlist.txt
rm -f p5odds-examples.rng p5odds-examples.rnc p5odds.rng p5odds.rnc
rm -f pdfbuild.log
rm -f stripspace.xsl.model
rm -f tei-*.zip
rm -f tei-p5-*_*build
rm -f tei-p5-*_*changes
rm -f tei-p5-*_*deb
rm -f teiwebsiteguidelines.zip
rm -rf FASC-*
rm -rf catalogue.* modList
rm -rf valid v.xml ValidatorLog.xml Utilities/pointerattributes.xsl
graphics.sh missfont.log v.body v.header Schematron1.xml Schematron2.xml
Checking you have running XML tools and Perl before trying to run
touch check.stamp
get latest date:
if [ svn = "svn" ] ; \
then \
if [ true ] ; \
then svn info --xml svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/tei/code/trunk/P5 ; \
else svn info --xml ; \
fi > repodate.xml ; \
if [ svn = "git" ] ; \
then \
git log --max-count=1 --pretty=format:"<entry><date>%ai</date></commit></entry></info>" > repodate.xml ; \
BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs
ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib
Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml
-DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml base subset outputs
[echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas,
schematron files
[echo] Using
for XSL stylesheets
[echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd
[echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd
Total time: 1 minute 16 seconds
BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang
(cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i
`basename $i .rng`.rnc;done)
touch schemas.stamp
BUILD: Check validity with rnv if we have it
command -v rnv && rnv -v p5odds.rnc p5.xml
rnv version 1.7.10
BUILD: Check validity with special-purpose XSL code, looking for bad
links etc
ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib
Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml
[echo] Run Schematron script (normal part of Guidelines)
[echo] Run Schematron script (Examples in Guidelines marked as valid)
[echo] Run ad hoc XSLT validators
Total time: 33 seconds
<ERROR>egXML points to non-existent #VESA-eg-1
(TEI[1]/text[2]/body[3]/div["VE"]/div["VESA"]/p[6]/) </ERROR>
<ERROR>egXML points to non-existent #VESA-eg-1
(TEI[1]/text[2]/body[3]/div["VE"]/div["VESA"]/p[6]/) </ERROR>
<ERROR>id 'said1297' used more than once</ERROR>
<ERROR>id 'said1298' used more than once</ERROR>
<ERROR>id 'said1299' used more than once</ERROR>
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated method — the
use of the altIdentifier element as a direct child of the msPart element
will be removed from the TEI on 2016-09-09 [Test:
child::tei:altIdentifier] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
<WARNING>Schematron warning: WARNING: use of deprecated attribute —
@degree of the precision element will be removed from the TEI on 2015-11-12.
[Test: @degree] Location:
(grep -q "<ERROR>" ValidatorLog.xml;if [ $? -ne 1 ] ; then echo "Oh dear
me. ERROR found";diff ValidatorLog.xml
expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml;false; fi)
Oh dear me. ERROR found
< <ERROR>egXML points to non-existent #VESA-eg-1
< (TEI[1]/text[2]/body[3]/div["VE"]/div["VESA"]/p[6]/) </ERROR>
< <ERROR>egXML points to non-existent #VESA-eg-1
< (TEI[1]/text[2]/body[3]/div["VE"]/div["VESA"]/p[6]/) </ERROR>
< <ERROR>id 'said1297' used more than once</ERROR>
< <ERROR>id 'said1298' used more than once</ERROR>
< <ERROR>id 'said1299' used more than once</ERROR>
make: *** [valid] Error 1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure