I agree that those two names are confusing, but I think "oxygen-tei" and "tei-oxygen" are still easily confused. It would be nice if we could come up with something even more distinctive. In any case, I don't have an opinion on renaming before or after the next P5 release. K. On 3/21/15 11:24 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
Hi Kevin,
Instructions for subscribing should not change as a result of the move to GitHub, but we have agreed that we'll re-title the project "oxygen-tei" instead of "tei-oxygen" because the former is the name of the project on its repo, and the latter is already in use as the name of a deb package.
Whether we do this before or after the next P5 release hasn't been decided. What do we think?
Cheers, Martin
On 15-03-20 09:10 PM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
I've updated http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/OXygen#Support_for_TEI to point to the sourcecode on GitHub instead of Google Code. Will ZIP files continue to be created at https://sourceforge.net/projects/tei/files/tei-oxygen/ ? If so, we'll need to edit this section of the wiki. Likewise if the directions for subscribing to the TEI framework have changed.
On 3/13/15 5:10 AM, James Cummings wrote:
Sebastian is attempting to migrate this to github as we speak. Strangely, google code is experiencing a high level of demand.
On 13/03/15 01:29, Hugh Cayless wrote:
This affects the TEI Oxygen framework. GitHub anyone?
Sent from my phone.
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