I've just been alerted (thanks Peter) to a problem in the teibare.odd which appears in the current TEI/exemplars directory (and is part of the oxygen TEI framework, updated at each release). According to the text of the ODD "Finally three of the TEI attribute classes are simplified. The attributes xml:space, rend, and xml:base are removed from the att.global class, so that this now makes available to all elements only the following attributes: <att>xml:id</att>, <att>n</att>, and <att>xml:lang</att>. " But of course this is no longer true, because @rend is now supplied by att.global.rendition rather than by att.global (along with a lot of other weird attributes which weren't there before). One solution might be to tie this ODD explicitly to a much earlier release of the Guidelines by means of a @source parameter. That would test whether all the tools in the processing chain Do The Right Thing in such a case. Another might be to bring the ODD up to date, e.g. by deleting the att.global.rendition class. That would probably be less upsetting for existing tools. Or we could just leave well alone, and be prepared to shrug when people complain that TEI Bare is really not as bare as it claims to be...