OK. On the NVDL validation issue, I've asked a question on the Oxygen NVDL forum: <http://www.oxygenxml.com/forum/topic11601.html> Cheers, Martin On 15-06-10 05:48 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
The change is in the validation procedure not the file: there is a schematron rule which oxyGen is now enforcing which that file fell foul of till I zapped the defaultVal it contained.
On 10/06/15 13:45, Martin Holmes wrote:
Hi Lou,
That file doesn't seem to have been changed prior to today since October last year, and that doesn't seem to have had anything to do with defaultVals. Is this why nvdl validation has been failing for us?
Cheers, Martin
On 15-06-10 02:21 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
I just noticed that recent changes have made p5odds-examples.odd invalid. This is the ODD file that defines the schema which is used by nvdl to validate examples in the body of the Guidelines, so it's fairly crucial that it continue to function.
The error is only detected by schematron, and relates to defaultVal fiddling: I have corrected the ODD and checked it in, but I am now wondering at what stage exactly in the build process does the corresponding RNG file get generated. Simply running Make doesn't hack it, so it must be amongst the arcana involved in doing a new distribution.
anyone else noticed this?