Dear all, during some of our last meetings I mentioned that we (at Paderborn University) are in the lucky position to have a skilled developer to work on the OxGarage. Our main focus is to add music (notation) specific conversion capabilities (for a „MEIGarage") but to keep a common code base with the TEI version and to update and enhance it in passing. Last week we had a first meeting between Paderborn and the TEI, namely Hugh Cayless and James Cummings, to discuss our plans. These are still quite technical (i.e. refactoring and restructuring the code base) but do need some organisational backing. In particular, we plan to split the OxGarage repo [1] into separate repos for every module (by keeping the appropriate Git version history for every module). For this, I want to add Anne as a collaborator to our TEIC GitHub organisation and she will add a few repos to our GitHub space. NB: At present, this will not affect our current OxGarage repo, nor the Docker images, nor the OxGarage deployments. You won’t notice anything but an increase of git repos at our TEIC Github :) We are still at a very early stage but will strive to engage with the (developers) community to share the plans and spread the knowledge more widely. This might involve a report to TEI Council during our next virtual f2f?! Hope this report was not too lengthy nor too short? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to approach Anne (or me) directly. If I do not hear a loud „nay“ until next week, I will take this as approval and will perform the mentioned actions in our GitHub space :) Cheers Peter [1]