14 Apr
14 Apr
5:12 a.m.
Dear all, Our call starts in 50 minutes, sorry I added the wrong time (for the Europeans) in my last email. We start at EST 09:00-10:30, GMT 14:00-15:30, CEST 15:00-16:30. I set up a zoom meeting, the meeting link is https://zoom.us/j/188592360?pwd=dTJ3TUxqaVhXS3ZMdEFHT0dNVEErQT09 Please find the agenda here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p_FKVqTkdaJe7asuyk4ybT5s95u-OTuEwR5Gkhag...https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p_FKVqTkdaJe7asuyk4ybT5s95u-OTuEwR5Gkhag... Martina