Hi Martina et al,
I've just filled in the monthly mtg poll and see that the only time everyone is available so far is 7 am on Fridays (that's 10 am EST, 3 pm UK, and 4 pm CEST, I think). If everyone who hasn't answered the poll is available at that time, then that's our likely meeting time.
I apologize for being incommunicado in the last three weeks (with particular apologies to Elisa, Helena, and Syd, with whom I'd hoped to work over the holidays). Our household was in the grip of a virus - almost certainly Omicron but our testing centres are so overwhelmed here that we were told just to act as if were Omicron and isolate.
Looking forward to working with you all in 2022!
With good wishes,
Janelle Jenstad, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Victoriahttps://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/scene/
Director, Map of Early Modern Londonhttps://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/; Director, Linked Early Modern Drama Onlinehttps://lemdo.uvic.ca/
Co-Coordinating Editor, Digital Renaissance Editionshttps://digitalrenaissance.uvic.ca/ and the new Internet Shakespeare Editions
Co-Applicant, The Endings Projecthttps://endings.uvic.ca/index.html
Email: jenstad@uvic.camailto:jenstad@uvic.ca, lemdo@uvic.camailto:lemdo@uvic.ca, or london@uvic.camailto:london@uvic.ca
From: Tei-council