Hi All, I’ve been working on getting an updated Jenkins install script that will run on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS (LTS means Long Term Support, meaning it will be supported through 2019). The current version runs on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, support for which ends in 2017. The new version, which is available on the hcayless-newJenkins branch, will install all the dependencies needed and launch a new Jenkins. It no longer depends on the TEI Debian repository (we’ve been discussing the feasibility of continuing this). I’ve only tested it in a local VMWare install of Trusty, but it seems to work fine. A slightly longer-term goal is to turn the install script into a Dockerfile, which would mean anyone who wanted to run a local copy of Jenkins for testing purposes could do so, on any platform, just by installing Docker-Machine (https://docs.docker.com/machine/ https://docs.docker.com/machine/). Personally, I’d very much like to have this capability, along with the capacity to just run the tests and get an understandable output from them.