HI Peter, On 15-02-23 04:57 AM, Peter Stadler wrote:
Am 22.02.2015 um 05:26 schrieb Martin Holmes <mholmes@uvic.ca>:
A check digit is an interesting idea. But generally, I'd say that if machines are manipulating documents containing ids, the ids won't be garbled; if humans are manipulating them, they're as likely to make an error in the check digit as in the rest of the id. The point is, with a check digit you will find those false IDs. Without, you can’t tell whether LOND47 is actually LOND74 with accidentally transposed digits.
I understand that; my point was that the additional check digit becomes another place where an error can be made, which didn't exist before. A human encoder may get the whole id right except for the check digit. but I guess Schematron could be checking that on the fly. Cheers, Martin