I am now at the stage of being able to generate web pages in the lb42-pureodd-2 branch. To get there, I have had to comment out of the makefile the two "EXTENDED" test files testp4compat.xsd and testi18n.xsd (the latter was already commented out in fact). Can anyone remember/reconstruct what these tests were intended to do? I am also now using Hugh's latest Stylesheets, so have some further comments to make on them: Firstly, what appears to be a bug: in the pureODD section, I see nothing at all inside the <content> element. e.g. in emph. This looks OK at http://teic.github.io/TEI/ref-emph.html but not in the version I have locally generated, so either the former is not up to date, or I have messed something up. Secondly, I still don't want to see class declarations inside that section Thirdly, I don't want to see element names clickable inside examples. This is not what we currently do; I find it distracting; and it's strictly speaking wrong, since example contents are not in the TEI namespace! :-) [this also doesn't happen in the github.io version]