Hi Martina and others: I will be unable to join the call and unable to initiate the hangout on Thursday, as I will be in Norway at a workshop. Is there anyone else with google apps for business or google apps for education? apologies. --elli [Elli Mylonas Director, Center for Digital Scholarship University Library Brown University library.brown.edu/cds] On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 6:31 PM, Scholger, Martina ( martina.scholger@uni-graz.at) <martina.scholger@uni-graz.at> wrote:
Hi all,
our next conference call is scheduled for Thursday 26th (08:00 EDT, 13:00 BST, 14:00 CEST). Here is the agenda - please add your topics:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jLPQ1nWqdl7mxjKN2z1RLmFExejCb PQWpd6DErg4vms/edit#
I hope we can use the Brown Hangout again?
Best wishes,
--- Martina Scholger Centre for Information Modelling - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities University of Graz Elisabethstraße 59/III 8010 Graz Austria https://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at<https:// informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at/> | https://gams.uni.graz.at<https ://gams.uni.graz.at/>
Chair of the TEI Technical Council | http://tei-c.org Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik e.V. | https://i-d-e.de< https://i-d-e.de/>
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