On 15/10/15 15:55, Syd Bauman wrote:
* I think I can figure out why having macro.anyXML in tei module, instead of TD causes this problem to rear its ugly head, but I can't do that now. (I understood it at one point a few weeks ago, so I can reconstruct it, but I'm buried right now.)
Standing by for your explanation. I looked back through the version history, and I see that Sebastian defined the current content model back in 22 May 2010 with the comment "get anyXML working again, to avoid ID errors https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/commit/809cba3dbaf05ce88d42776afb83a54ffa0085e2" so I assume it must have worked then. There is a later modification (16 Jun 2011) "limit macro.anyXML macro.schemaPattern to tagdocs module, so as not to upset others" which moves it from tei to tagdocs, so clearly it did once work when it was a part of the tagdocs module. https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/commit/c6b6f0648a924ad910c986d3224bff94d0f760f0