In the example linked at the bottom, I agree that "sentBy" looks wrong: <correspAction type="sentBy"> <persName>Adelbert von Chamisso</persName> <settlement>Vertus</settlement> <date when="1807-01-29"/> </correspAction> Imagine if you don't have a sender, but you do have a place: <correspAction type="sentBy"> <settlement>Vertus</settlement> <date when="1807-01-29"/> </correspAction> Was it "sent by" Vertus? No, it was "sent from" Vertus, and it was "sent on" January 29. Because the preposition can only really apply to one component of the content, and that component may even be absent, I think it's misleading. Cheers, Martin On 15-02-27 06:36 AM, Peter Stadler wrote:
The last changes made by Lou introduced the suggested values „sentBy“ „deliveredTo“ etc. to correspAction@type [1]. I’d like to propose skipping the preposition and simply call those „sent“, „delivered“ etc. because we usually describe three things within <correspAction>, i.e. the date, the place and the actor. Since there is not one preposition that (grammatically) fits all items, and because I like the analogy with email terminology, I think it’s best to only have „sent“, „received“, „forwarded“, „redirected“ and „transmitted“.
Cheers Peter
[1] http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/TEIP5/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/releas...