On 21/10/16 17:57, Magdalena Turska wrote:
At the end of this, do we have a vote or what? I wonder how to get this discussion leading somewhere...
This is why I hate naming discussions and why they always go on forever. Here's what I suggest. 1. All members of Council have a vote, just one. If you do not vote the Returning Officer will assume you are voting for the status quo, i.e. "Simple". 2. You have until Sunday morning (in Europe) to propose new names and argue their case. At noon on Sunday, I will recirculate the list of candidates. To be a candidate, a name must have more than one supporter. 3. On Tuesday evening, the Returning Officer will count the votes and declare a winner. AND THAT WILL BE AN END OF IT! I am happy to volunteer for the job of Returning Officer. I was going to say Hugh should do it, but since he has strong views on one of the candidates (and I dont: just on the need to knock this thing on the head)...