So it has been a long time since I worked on my dating attribute semantics branch (sydb-datAttSem). I figured it would make sense to merge in whatever was being done on dev to make sure it was not incompatible in some way. So I made sure I was on the sydb-datAttSem branch, and issued `git merge dev`. I'm guessing that was not a clever thing to do. First, git required me to fix conflicts in 3 files I have not touched since before we moved to git. Second, it wiped out my changes to ND, the chapter I had been working on! Now, of course, my work isn't gone -- I have other copies and even if I didn't, git is a version control system, my previous work is in there somewhere. But what should I have done, if anything, instead? And how do I ask the question "hey, it's been a long time since I worked in this branch, what had I changed herein?"