On 14/03/15 17:56, Martin Holmes wrote:
If additionally the attribute @when (or another att.datable attribute) is supplied on one or more <change> elements , we should have a schematron rule to check that it does not contradict the value for @ordered. If the attribute is not supplied, or the value is "not" then any value/s are possible.
It'll be fun to write that Schematron. What's the "correct" order for three changes as follows:
Well, we may be over-engineering this, but bear in mind that the object of the rule is not to decide on a "correct" order, whatever that means, but just to ensure that the actual order (the order in which the elements appear within listChange) is consistent with the value of @ordered. So, if these are the three date expressions to check, they are consistent with @ordered="", "not", or "descending".