The $gse is a parameter used in the when_glosses_English_required constraintSpec in p5odds and stands for “glossed specification element type”. I am not at all sure why it would be failing now (it worked before, didn’t it?), but since I expect to be working on a similar problem with the $tde parameter later today, I may find a fix to both at once. But what are you doing to generate this error? I ran make clean validate html test exemplars and did not notice any errors involving $gse. (Trying again now …) ________________________________ a) regarding the 308 error code. That is new, since I (silently) moved our Jenkins to a new (Kubernetes) cluster. Here the default for redirects is 308 – which is technically ok but causes a lot of software to fail that will only follow 301s and 302s. I changed the default now to 301. b) This seems to remedy the error "IllegalStateException - getSchemaProperties requires a schema“, yet there surfaces a (new) error in p5odds.isosch: "Variable gse has not been declared (or its declaration is not in scope)“ Does that ring a bell for anyone?