Well, that would certainly be possible. I note only that there are projects who would like to use Simple who do use @key (Obvil springs to mind) to supply a regularised form of a name, however much we might deprecate it. <name key="Burnard, Louis (b.1946)">Lou</name> Their argument is that that's a nice simple well-understood way of providing a standardised form of a name without all the folderoll of defining and maintaining a separate authority file. No-one seems to have noticed that my question also relates to the relative priorities we should give <rs> and <name> On 21/07/16 18:27, Elisa wrote: major
So, how about making it only @ref with hashtag in value, and leaving @key entirely out of Simple for simplicity's sake? Keeping both and giving examples is what we'd expect in the TEI All, but the multiple possible approaches here in Simple seem like just the sort of thing to stall a new user unnecessarily...
Elisa Typeset by hand on my iPad
On Jul 21, 2016, at 11:55 AM, James Cummings <James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
Amen. Only @ref should be encouraged.
On 21/07/16 16:40, Magdalena Turska wrote: As the stated aim of Simple was to 'minimize ambiguity for the encoder' I believe this is an omission and only @ref should be encouraged (or even allowed perhaps).
On 21 July 2016 at 12:36, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
I am still toiling in this vineyard. Here's a new question for you to consider.
The Simple schema makes available both @ref and @key on both <name> and <rs>. In the prose however only <rs key="arbitrarytoken"> is presented. This seems counter to our current dogma, which would prioritize <name ref="#pointer"> wherever possible, I believe.
Since I've now added <particDesc> and hence <person> is available, it would seem better to rework some (or all?) the examples to use that mechanism, e.g. <name ref="#BENM2">Mrs Bennet</name> rather than <rs key="BENM2">
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-- Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings@it.ox.ac.uk Academic IT Services, University of Oxford -- tei-council mailing list tei-council@lists.tei-c.org http://lists.lists.tei-c.org/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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