No wait, I got it. I was using a local (rubbish) version of the Stylesheets library. Checked everything out again on a different machine and it runs ... up to the p4compat test. test -f spec.xsd && mv spec.xsd testp4compat_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s+xml.xsd+testp4compat_xml.xsd+;s+ns1.xsd+testp4compat_ns1.xsd+;s+teix.xsd+testp4compat_teix.xsd+" testp4compat_spec.xsd && perl -p -i -e "s/spec.xsd/testp4compat_spec.xsd/" testp4compat.xsd Makefile:41: recipe for target 'testp4compat.xsd' failed Still, that's a distinct improvement. Time for a cup of tea. On 04/12/15 15:00, Lou Burnard wrote:
It has to be something weird in my local installation then. Good. Demmed if I can see what it is though
For me it breaks like this:
BUILD: Generate modular DTDs, Schemas, Schematron and miscellaneous outputs ANT_OPTS="-Xss2m -Xmx752m -Djava.awt.headless=true" ant -q -lib Utilities/lib/jing.jar:Utilities/lib/saxon9he.jar -f antbuilder.xml -DXSL=/home/lou/Public/Stylesheets -DDRIVER=Source/guidelines-en.xml -Dverbose=yes base subset outputs [echo] make modular DTDs, RELAXNG schemas, json, odd schemas, schematron files [echo] Using /home/lou/Public/Stylesheets for XSL stylesheets [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds.odd [echo] Do ODD processing for p5odds-examples.odd
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 29 seconds BUILD: Generate modular RELAX NG (compact) schemas using trang (cd Schema; for i in *rng; do java -jar ../Utilities/lib/trang.jar $i `basename $i .rng`.rnc;done) /home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Schema/analysis.rng:16:28: error: missing children /home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Schema/certainty.rng:74:28: error: missing children /home/lou/Public/TEI/P5/Schema/core.rng:292:28: error: missing children
.... etc etc
On 04/12/15 14:56, Hugh Cayless wrote:
Seems to work for me. I don't have the full build running yet on my work machine, but it does the various RNG schemas in Exemplars just fine. Where is it breaking for you?
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Lou Burnard
wrote: I've now pushed a new version of the P5 pure ODD branch up, as lb42-pureodd-2
This one was made by re-cloning from dev, and then re-applying the changes I made for lb42-pureodd, so it ought to work. Alas, it doesn't, or not for me at any rate: I am seeing lots of errors in the generated RelaxNG seemingly caused by something not correctly processing dataRef elements. I'll keep on looking, but if someone else could just check that they have this problem too (just checkout the lb42-pureodd-2 branch, and then run the P5/Makefile) it would be helpful.
The older branch, lb42-pureodd works just fine, of course. Grrrr.
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