I just took the liberty to change those suggested values. My arguments were a) prepositions do not work for all cases (e.g. missing agent) b) I find the definition of „received“ very clear, given that all verbs are understood as active verbs. Maybe we could stress this fact a little more but IMHo it’s clear when you have „sent“ and „received“. Best Peter
Am 27.02.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Lou Burnard <lou.burnard@retired.ox.ac.uk>:
Firstly, these are only *suggested* values. Secondly, the analogy with email headings seems doubtful ("received" in an email header corresponds more closely with what I think you mean by "forwarded" or possibly with "transmitted") Thirdly, as I noted in the minutes, without a preposition "received" is needlessly ambiguous.
On 27/02/15 14:36, Peter Stadler wrote:
The last changes made by Lou introduced the suggested values „sentBy“ „deliveredTo“ etc. to correspAction@type [1]. I’d like to propose skipping the preposition and simply call those „sent“, „delivered“ etc. because we usually describe three things within <correspAction>, i.e. the date, the place and the actor. Since there is not one preposition that (grammatically) fits all items, and because I like the analogy with email terminology, I think it’s best to only have „sent“, „received“, „forwarded“, „redirected“ and „transmitted“.
Cheers Peter
[1] http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/TEIP5/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/releas...
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