Is the following still true? <div type="div4" xml:id="CFAMmc"> <head>Mandatory Components of a TEI Document</head> <p>It is a long-standing requirement for any <term>TEI-conformant</term> document that it should contain a <gi>teiHeader</gi> element. To be more specific a <term>TEI-conformant</term> document must contain <list> <item> a single <gi>teiHeader</gi> element followed by one or more elements from the <ident type="class">model.resource</ident> class; or</item> <item> in the case of a corpus or collection, a single overall <gi>teiHeader</gi> element followed by a series of <gi>TEI</gi> elements each with its own <gi>teiHeader</gi></item> </list> It's unchanged in Syd's branch, so I am assuming it is.