On 24/03/15 11:17, Peter Stadler wrote:
d) #539 New element annotatedU * I think this could be merged with the above standoff proposal. Actually, in the latest document by Thomas Schmidt the <annotatedU> is replaced with <annotationGrp> from the standoff proposal * I have a copy of "Thomas' last document“ provided by Laurent but he refrained from putting it online. I will ask Thomas directly and then circulate the document to Council. In the meantime I’m happy to share this document via PM.
I pointed out the concerns raised about non-tesselating divs in the earlier version of this doc to Thomas and he agreed to make my suggested revision; I don't know if that change is reflected in the version of the document you have. It is not in the version I have. In my opinion, the proposal for annotationGrp is still rather vague.
e) #518 state (or model.*StateLike) should contain precision * help needed: if you could have a look at my latest comment [4]. Thanks!
when we last looked at this, didn't we decide that the content models for all these elements needed major surgery?