You can't permit non-XML data unless it's wrapped in a CDATA marked section, methinks (so tough luck if your non-TEI xenodata has something like "]]>" in it at some point :-( ) but otherwise I don't see why this should pose a problem. Apologies for commenting a bit out of phase on this... my French rural wifi connexion is sporadic On 13/07/15 22:34, Syd Bauman wrote:
Well, *I* think it's an afront to god and country to insert non-XML data, but if I'm the only one, it's easy enough to change.
Why do we want to insist on XML content for xenoData? I mean, obviously it'll have to be escaped for insertion into my XML document, but if I want to put JSON-LD or RDF in Turtle format, or some other thing, I should be able to, surely? I sometimes have non-XML source data that I use to generate my TEI (or parts of it). Should I be forced to wrap it in an element of my own invention in order to insert it?